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Is this real? Aliens proof tommorow?


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of course its BS. if it were real it would be the biggest scientific discovery... ever probably. everyone would be all over it. world governments, scientists, EVERYONE.


interstellar space travel is something we can only dream about. once we found someone who could do it, everyone would want to get in on that technology.

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The video shows a white creature with a balloon-shaped head that pops up and down in a windowsill 8 feet above the ground, according to the Post.


Rojas said Romanek set up the camera because he feared Peeping Toms were stalking his teen daughters, according to the Post.


so were they really tall peeping toms or did they bring ladders?

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so were they really tall peeping toms or did they bring ladders?



Hmm you never used a ladder to sneak into your GF's house at night during high school? It isn't that hard to do.

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of course its BS. if it were real it would be the biggest scientific discovery... ever probably. everyone would be all over it. world governments, scientists, EVERYONE.


interstellar space travel is something we can only dream about. once we found someone who could do it, everyone would want to get in on that technology.



Everyone wouldn't be all over it. Everyone would freak the fuck out. Chaos would be all over the world. It makes perfect sense if this does or has happened that the government keeps it a secret. They don't want the public to freak out because they will.

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Hmm you never used a ladder to sneak into your GF's house at night during high school? It isn't that hard to do.



umm no... and who walks around with a ladder to peep into windows? fuck if they are using ladders forget the camera just walk outside and rip the ladder out from under em.

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umm no... and who walks around with a ladder to peep into windows? fuck if they are using ladders forget the camera just walk outside and rip the ladder out from under em.


Pedrobear loves ladders

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I've always wanted to here why anyone would freak out if they knew there were aliens. I wouldn't give a shit either way since even if there were our governments would find a way to screw it up.



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I've always wanted to here why anyone would freak out if they knew there were aliens. I wouldn't give a shit either way since even if there were our governments would find a way to screw it up.



I could only imagine the affect it would have on world religion. That's just for starters.

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Everyone wouldn't be all over it. Everyone would freak the fuck out. Chaos would be all over the world. It makes perfect sense if this does or has happened that the government keeps it a secret. They don't want the public to freak out because they will.


would you freak out? the only way id freak is if they were here to conduct mass anal probings.


although then again im sure they've already reached the limits of what anal probing can teach them.

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would you freak out? the only way id freak is if they were here to conduct mass anal probings.


although then again im sure they've already reached the limits of what anal probing can teach them.

They'll just have to probe deeper before for new information. :D

At least, that's the excuse I use, I mean, I would use.

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would you freak out? the only way id freak is if they were here to conduct mass anal probings.


although then again im sure they've already reached the limits of what anal probing can teach them.


No but I can't speak for everyone...

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I'm seriously considering taking grainy footage of my weiner protruding my zipper, than claiming I found an alien. Just to see how much NATIONAL MEDIA ATTENTION I can receive. Seriously this is fucking retarded.





Unless this whole thing is real, in which case let me be the first to welcome our new celestial overlords!

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I'm seriously considering taking grainy footage of my weiner protruding my zipper, than claiming I found an alien. Just to see how much NATIONAL MEDIA ATTENTION I can receive. Seriously this is fucking retarded.





Unless this whole thing is real, in which case let me be the first to welcome our new celestial overlords!

Your wiener looks like an alien?

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Well if you search the guy's name you can see he's got this whole mysterious equation thing that he says he wrote but doesn't know what they mean. I'm sorry but until I see the video I will think he is one of those stupid people that try to get their 15 min. of fame by making themselves look absolutely ridiculous. When searching I did come a cross a very interesting video on YouTube about the Deep Space Hubble exposure. I think it was titled: "The Single Most Important Image of Man Kind" or something like that. Now I'm not one of those crazy types that thinks aliens are living among us (some are pretty weird though), but that makes it pretty hard to believe that there isn't someone/thing else somewhere out there.
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