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Kimbo fight this weekend ?


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People are already saying that the fight was fixed. Round 2 which Kimbo lossed clearly, one ref scored the victory to him what a joke. I wanna see him actually fight someone worth while. Brock Lesner got stuck against Frank Mir in his UFC debut, Kimbo fights an old ass Tank Abbot and a guy who has lost his last 5 of 7 fights.
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That fight was a joke. I wont go as far as to say it was rigged, but it certainly as fishy. Dude had Kimbo on the ground and was in a good position, was working somewhat slow, but was still making progress and they stand it back up. Then Kimbo punches the guy one time and the ref is already getting ready to jump in and stop it.


This fight basically proves Kimbo is a joke. Worst part about it, his showing was so bad here, they'll pick an even worse fighter for him to fight next time. I just don't see Elite taking any chances in their cash cow loosing.

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