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1/2 A house for rent/ Roomate


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Looking for a Roommate on the east side (Reynoldsburg). For those of you who know it is a few block from Anthony. (Off lanecaster Rd).

What you get.

1. 1 bedroom (about 20x20)

2. 1/2 a second bedroom for a office or storage (your pick)

3. Option for your own living room or we have one living room and do something with the back room. I am open on this one.

4. Full kitchen use

5. Washer and dryer use

6. Large fenced in back yard.

7. Use of 1/2 of a 2 1/2+ car garage (yes you can work on cars in it as long as messes are cleaned up after)

8. Off street parking (driveway)

9. Cable tv and high speed internet (WOW) you also get your own DVR box.


There is a small dog (Min pin) living here so if that is a prob know that now.


Rent wise I am looking for 400 plus utilities OR we can set rent at say 550 and everything is included your choise. Pm me for more info.


I am looking for someone about the 15th or the first

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Guest tbutera2112
im VERY interested....hit me up on AIM later, tbutera2112 ....i was just about to post a new thread about someone renting out a room...and the east side is exactly where i want to be....PM me or something, i have $800 saved up so i would have a month to get a second job aside from where im working now, but if nobody jumps on this then im hoping its still open...im going to go online now and try to get a second job, i might drop out of school if i have to, to get some more hours...i just need a place to go
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Guest tbutera2112
25 hours a week at minimum wage would cover the 550...so im going to bust ass and if i find a job within a month, i want to move in...i dont care what it looks like or anything like that....i hope we can work something out, just PM me or IM me and we can discuss details man...i really need this
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very interested as well....need more info and pics if possible. i am looking to get my own place but with having to catch up on my bills i might need something like this for a little while. and signing a one year lease isnt what i wanna do at the moment
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Guest tbutera2112
ok well i wont waste your time since theres more people interested...im going to look for a job and if i happen to come upon a second job then ill get back with you if someone else hasnt moved in...ive got one job now but it only gives me enough for car/insurance/gas
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