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Obama / Hillary ticket?


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Like: "Hey sorry about all that shit I talked, I wanna latch onto you now so I can get something out of this, I want power."


Fuck that whore


The problem is there are too many in her camp that were claiming an all out "jumpship" if she wasn't the nominee. This way it would woo those potential voters back and unify what has been a pretty divided party. Not a smart way to try and go into the fall.

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We're fucked and I'm moving to Australia if that shit happens.


Have fun in Aus.....Together they can't be stopped. Bush's double....McCain, will have no chance. He's clueless anyways to say he agrees with 90 sum % of the decisions Bush has made throughout his term.....that alone tells me if he makes Pres....nothing will change around here.

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Guest tbutera2112
dont vote for ron paul unless you want obama/hilary to win... voting for ron paul is pointless because he will not win, he has no chance...he will take votes away from mccain because a lot of people dont want hilary or obama, but theyre conservative republican so they figure they will vote for ron paul because he is very conservative... if paul wasnt running then im sure a lot of his supporters would support mccain as the lesser of 3 evils
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Together they can't be stopped. Bush's double....McCain, will have no chance.

Oh I wouldn't count him out. If anything, I'd say Obama has ground to make against him after this drag-out fight with Cuntillary. If he campaigns on stuff that makes sense, rather than campaigning on his opponents record, he will be a strong candidate.

I liked McCain better when he detested Bush. Hopefully, deep down, he's the same bitter sum'bich from 2000 and will flip the Repubs off when he's in office.


To nominate Hillary as VP after what she's said and done would be a sign of weakness that should be avoided. 80% of the people who said they'll "jump ship" are full of it. It was a petty attempt by her campaign to threaten the DP into doing what they wanted. "Count Florida and Michigan, and go off the popular vote and not deligates OR WE'RE NOT GUNNA PLAY WITH YOU NO MORE!" The focus on winning elctions these days has got to be taking votes from your opponents party. Don't waste your breath pandering to your own people, they're already voting for you anyways.


It is still my beleife that Hillary's success has been false. Of all the other hippy libs i know, not a single one voted for her, yets she's getting gobs of votes and "record turnouts". The record turnout, it seems, are largely registered republicans that switched to vote for her.... why? Because there was a call out to the Republican party when McCain clinched the nomination: "We don't need your vote in the primaries, go out and vote for hillary because we can easily beat her".

She got crossover primary votes from people who don't want McCain to have to run against Obama.

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I'm still waiting for the Obama/McCain/Clinton ticket. I mean.........there pretty much the same. Besides Iraq and healthcare...they are the same.


what does a plum and a rabbit have in common?


they are both purple except for the rabbit."



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