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Time Warner Caps: Behind the Numbers

Rally Pat

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Bandwidth metering ftl. With web 2.0 on the rise, and 3.0 and so on, transfer rates are on the rise. That's not even counting the advertisements that make up a large chunk of bandwidth for end-users. Now I get to pay to have adverts schlepped on me. Thank god im not with tm, or cox. Look at it like this, if you DL one HD movie off of xbox live, netflix, or whatever, that's 3-6 gigs right there. Hopefully consumers are smart enough to vote with their $. Sad for people with no choice. Every cable customer should call their provider, or write a hateful letter, I would.
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Problem is in alot of places TW may be the only offered cable internet so it ends up being "Deal with it or go to dialup". I would think making people pay for bandwith like that would end up opening a full other can of worms with new rules regarding advertisements on webpages.
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Ya if they are going to cap our shit.. then cut the ads off webpages that I dont want to see anyway.


I dont care either way.. Ill tether my phone to my computer and surf that way.. Ill cut TM all together if they cap anything.

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It's been tried 3 times and failed each time according to someone here.


when Western ohio did it it lasted 18 days. Earthlink put out a ad stating that they did not cap (Earthlink is cable thats aval here)

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It's all about perception.


I'd bet at least 75% of users would never even notice the cap, ever.


That said, if they hear about the cap from a competitor, it will still piss those people off and have them jump ship.


In Columbus, we have a very competitve market. TW would get eaten alive trying to pull that here.

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