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Laser Wepons!!!!!


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I am a little confused on how hot this is in context. It sounds neat but i missed a few classes on lasers in school.


Can anyone explain for instance what 25kw would do to say the side of a tank. Or are these more for disabling missles or killing people or such.

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from national defense magazine, in 2003...


The beam would be powerful enough to disable enemy cruise missiles or ground vehicles, he said. “You won’t destroy the vehicle, but you may be able to disable it by firing at the tires and burning the tires or a hole in the hood.”


The key to success in this technology, he said, is “beam quality.” The beam quality is what separates a laser from a flashlight. Toner expects that if the beam quality is high enough, a 25 kw solid-state laser could be projected out to 3 or 4 km and “burn a hole in metal.”



so, theres your answer. mostly a defensive weapon, with the opportunity to be mounted on a platform like the JSF, or the Spirit.


on a ship, think CIWS, but with no ammunition, and a longer range.


the goal has always been a 100kW solid state laser.

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Hah! You know, when Norm and I were at your house on Friday, Thorne, I hadn't even read this thread yet. Do your recall I brought up lasers and wanting to mount one in my grill to burn holes into people's bumpers who drive under the speed limit and hold up traffic? :D
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