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My dumb friday night


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A few friends of mine kept texting me tonight to bring out my new scooter and to chat about cars and what not. I figured fine since I had not been out all spring and today was my last clinical day for school. So I get to the hangout spot and shoot the shit about the scooter blah blah, figured I would take a lap. I get to the turn around spot and another friend signals me over to ask me about the scooter. I stopped for maybe 2 mins and two cops pulled up blocked us in and gave us tickets for trespassing.



"Not allowed to park here, you can lap but you can't park"


So ya first night of summer and I get a ticket on my queer gas saving scooter, awesome.


Court date later this week..... ftl

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this was in hill bunk mansfield, it was a major bummer... I honestly was just stopping to talk to people about buying scooters to save on gas mileage.....I have nothing against police officers, but some times you should just let things slide... prob why I'm going to school AGAIN to become a nurse because I just understand where people come from.... anyway... it sucks..I hope it's made up to me one day... :)


so to everyone if you lap or are such a hell raiser like me on an 80 cc scooter know where you pop your kick stand.





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sucks.. those from the autocross know what I race with, and probably figure I race junk because thats what I can afford. It's true, and this just sets me back even more. I'll have a good set of 15in autocross rubber for sale VERY soon...




doesnt matter i'm used to it ...



2 steps forwards 3 steps back.....does'nt matter

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