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SuperSloLT1, 04scantypeturbo, murderdoutmafia, 79lesspower,and Sinisterpedophile CREW

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take your own advise douche... to each there own that's all. people have different oppinions. you shouldn't get so pissed off. it's not healthy.




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sorry looked like you were getting a cock up your ass... my mistake.

Looked like that huh? At what point were you able to see anything that I am doing at the moment?

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well i'm looking at this forum... and people type stuff on forums. So I must be refering to how when you type it looks like you are angry.

No, you were trying to say it looked like I was having homosexual sex. Seriously, do you people not read what you type?

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omg, I leave you low lifes to babysit my thread and it goes to hell. miller your gay, go drown in some bodys white body fluid, zach you fucking suck at e battles, gearhead, dogs are way cooler than cats, and you should cut your hands off with a spoon for typing half the stupid shit that you do. now go swing from a fan with your neck.



and last but not least you hal. when you get a chance I was looking at lt4 heads, lt4 hot cam, lt4 intake,and trans go kit for a 96 lt1 tranny. should be a l460e. thanks

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Dear Columbus Racing members and staff,

As the person that started this thread I take full responsibilty for what has happended. As a result of this thread I will no longer be permitted to have internet service. I thought about leaving CR, however I decided that was not a big enough punishment. The only punishment that would be suitable for the cluster fuck that has transpired here is to ban myself from the internet all together. The damage has been done, and it is a freight train of nonsense that cannot be stopped. I apologize, and I hope some day I will be forgiven for what I have done.





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i wonder if "super" moderators, share the same qualities as "super" delegates.......not really known as to why they are labled "super"






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omg, I leave you low lifes to babysit my thread and it goes to hell. miller your gay, go drown in some bodys white body fluid, zach you fucking suck at e battles, gearhead, dogs are way cooler than cats, and you should cut your hands off with a spoon for typing half the stupid shit that you do. now go swing from a fan with your neck.



and last but not least you hal. when you get a chance I was looking at lt4 heads, lt4 hot cam, lt4 intake,and trans go kit for a 96 lt1 tranny. should be a l460e. thanks


I'll be in Cbus this weekend with the truck, you me and $20 from a dig.

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