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Pit Bull Attacks Thief.


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I calc'd that out too.....and I don't care what anyone says, if there is ever a Pit bull at that size, it should be deployed to Iraq as a weapon of mass destruction to be used on the enemy as that would be one Nasty Mo-Fo. :eek:


did anyone else do a quick conversion on that weight?!


22 Stone = 308lbs :eek::eek::eek:



that dog reminds me of "The Beast" from the movie "The Sandlot"

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ok, i'm gonna start my pits on roids and hgh, i want a 308lb pit lol. jesus, my 60 lb female is enough to deal with when she doesn't like someone.


On another pit note, anyone ever have one that flipped the fuck out when someone put their hands in their pockets? one of my sisters friends were over the other day and my dog went the fuck off every time dude put his hands in his pockets. fuckin funny, but curious as to what or why she did that.


3rd that bill won't fucking pass, if it does, just reregister them as a mix or something. If that fails, shoot a politician or 2, show them that not just pit bulls can kill lol, they have to outlaw people too.


And thats a triple all rolled into one...

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did anyone else do a quick conversion on that weight?!


22 Stone = 308lbs :eek::eek::eek:



that dog reminds me of "The Beast" from the movie "The Sandlot"



I did it and was going to post it but you beat me to it..That could be a world record holding dog

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In case you try to doubt me...


Animal Control Officers make the determination as to whether or not a dog is a "breed of dog commonly known as a Pit Bull."


This law applies not only to pure bred American Pit Bull dogs, but also to other pure bred and mixed breed dogs that have similar physical and/or behavioral characteristics.



Any other pure bred or mixed breed dog whose appearance and physical characteristics is predominately those of any of the dogs listed above, or is a combination of any of the dogs listed above.

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^ +1


If the dog had killed the burglar, I doubt anyone wouldve confused a mastiff with a pit bull. Bull mastiff, maybe, just cause the face.


As far as it being a record holder, that honor belongs to an oem named Zorba, whom I believe was 345lbs.

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I hope my English Mastiff never gets that big! He is already 95 and is only 9 months old.


My mastiffs pop was 245, Im hoping mine gets that big.


Though if you were hoping for "not big" I think you picked the wrong dog :)

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My mastiffs pop was 245, Im hoping mine gets that big.


Though if you were hoping for "not big" I think you picked the wrong dog :)


I know plenty about these dogs and I want him to be big but a 275lbs dog is going to have a lot of health issues. These dogs have lots of hip problems as it is and that is only going to make it worse. Im hoping for right around 200-215. I get ex-rays done on his hips every couple months to make sure he is growing right.

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^ +1

If the dog had killed the burglar, I doubt anyone wouldve confused a mastiff with a pit bull. Bull mastiff, maybe, just cause the face.


Its all about aggression and looks which is why owners of such dogs get pissed. The numbers may be wrong because any dog close to a pit can be thrown into the mix.


Example: My neighbors mastiff has bit 2 kids, my finger, and another neighbors shoulder. Of the 4 only 1 was reported because all of us have dogs are are tolerable of it to a point. Well she was bit pretty bad and got pissed. When she reported it they said those breeds are dangerous and have been known to kill people. Now do you think he was talking about mastiffs or pit bulls? Until this thread I figured that mastiffs would be included in this. Thats mainly because my neighbors dog looks like an overgrown bulldog... but apparently they are suppose to be seperate.


The neighbors dog stands over 6 feet tall and looks more like a horse than a dog :cool::cool:

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Ohhh I'/m sorry I don't want my fucking dog killed because its nothing more that a bunch of shit. So if you wanna debate this I'm glad to but I think its obvious that the media fails but the Sheep are to stupid to relize it.


OOOOOOOoooooooooo, one of these guys, eh? The sheep comment shit gets old, and is overused by everyone.


Stop it.

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I know plenty about these dogs and I want him to be big but a 275lbs dog is going to have a lot of health issues. These dogs have lots of hip problems as it is and that is only going to make it worse. Im hoping for right around 200-215. I get ex-rays done on his hips every couple months to make sure he is growing right.


I was kidding with you. Though it sounds like you got the right idea.


Me, I want a gentle GIANT.

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Its all about aggression and looks which is why owners of such dogs get pissed. The numbers may be wrong because any dog close to a pit can be thrown into the mix.


Example: My neighbors mastiff has bit 2 kids, my finger, and another neighbors shoulder. Of the 4 only 1 was reported because all of us have dogs are are tolerable of it to a point. Well she was bit pretty bad and got pissed. When she reported it they said those breeds are dangerous and have been known to kill people. Now do you think he was talking about mastiffs or pit bulls? Until this thread I figured that mastiffs would be included in this. Thats mainly because my neighbors dog looks like an overgrown bulldog... but apparently they are suppose to be seperate.


The neighbors dog stands over 6 feet tall and looks more like a horse than a dog :cool::cool:


Was it an English Mastiff, if it looks like a bulldog it aint. Probably a bull mastiff, which is just that, an english mastiff crossed with a bulldog. Could be a Neo, or so-called "american mastiff" which were basically attempts to cut back the drool by selective breeding:). Though any dog can bite. No ones going to argue that an English Mastiff can't do damage. Look at the things, they're giants, but they're nick-named "gentle giants" for a reason. They really do prefer to sit and be lazy.

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