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jegs out east?


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actually there is a couple of cars that might run....but most of the regulars that go there won't race. we usually meet there, then head out to sonic shortly after.


Hooters has a huge lot and 270 is right there???

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Ha, I just drove it around on Sunday. Whatchoo talkin' bout, Willis?



hmm i lived a block away from you for three years and now live 2 miles from you for the last 2 years and have never seen that car (besides track day) ever. onyl time ive seen it was sitting in your drive way (good buddyus wifes family lives back in that neighborhood)


ahh well glad ur drivivgn it wish i coudl drive mine


jegs ftl i remeber last month a corolla leaving the laundry placebacked into a yello cuda(somethign of that sort) and tryed to take off lol suckyness

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