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Post Pics of Yourselves.

Guest Hal

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From last weekend. Hopefully I covered up enough nip.


I can't believe you posted that up. Do you have any more pictures from that night?

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My wife and I. Anyone wanna kiss from me? <3




Dude your wife kind of looks like robin (colbie smulders) from how I met your mother! Props.


My wife wont let me post pictures of her- I have been trying to get her to let me send her and my car into babes of the month in 5.0 mag since I got my car four years ago and she says it would be damaging to her career (attorney).


To the fellow that mentioned how hot the women are in this thread- its a fact of life that women will go after good providers and people with cool cars typically have cool pocketbooks as it is an expensive hobby. Intelligence, confidence, sense of humor, and some game wont hurt either in the game of money or women so they usually go together. Also being active in some sort of hobby (cars) is also attractive to women- they want men to have their own interests so they can have their time and it brings more to the relationship from both sides.


My wife, will now that we are married, admit that the LT1 Firebird I had in college didn't hurt my chances any.


A paraphrase from my favorite author Ayn Rand, "the mark of a man is the woman he sleeps with". In my experience this rings true quite a lot both ways.... there are some cool looking dudes with no confidence that mess with some less than average looking chicks- and it goes beyond the superficial level of physical appearance... there are some really good looking women that have that as their only asset.


wow I feel like I am back in interpersonal communication class in college for the core curric.... sorry.


Disclaimer:Please do not infer from this that I think the guys in this thread are ugly- I would agree that the women look good but do not agree that the men are ugly- can you tell my wife is an attorney ;-)

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Suberbad? not a bad idea!!! you almost earned rep, almost


almost? Come on Bob! It was hard as hell to find those pants (especially in a nice size that didn't fit like that). I had to custom make the shirt and if you look closely at the bottom of the picture I even had the blood stain. I suppose I should have worn a curly hair wig, but you can only scrifice so much.


Craig, thanks again. I laughed my ass off at the Robert Downey picture thrown in there, but I think I like the picture from the range the best.

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almost? Come on Bob! It was hard as hell to find those pants (especially in a nice size that didn't fit like that). I had to custom make the shirt and if you look closely at the bottom of the picture I even had the blood stain. I suppose I should have worn a curly hair wig, but you can only scrifice so much.



justified!!! rep being given as we speak


EDIT: there is no rep icon, how does it work on this forum?


EDIT: i got it now

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I guess I'll go ahead and post a couple pics of my ugly mug


A little daized in this shot. I had a couple percucets in me in this pic. (for a broken ankle)







Managed 2 pushups



Always thought this pic looked cool


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Always thought this pic looked cool



That's odd. I took this 2 months ago when I had to shit. I think it looks like Paul Sr. and I had a kid who died and came back as a 30 year old ghost.


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fine... whatever...




and the current whip...


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