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Clip-on help


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Ok so after much searching & minimal working I have come up with these:

Woodcraft - $150

Vortex - $140 with a 7 degree angle

Gilles Tooling GP light - $135 with a 6 degree angle

Any thoughts on these?

Does anyone know what the angle of the stock bars is for the ZX10? i cant find it anywhere.

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what angle are you talking about?

the y axis angle (looking from the front or back level with the bars) or the x axis angle (looking from above)

if its the latter you can adjust that angle with aftermarket clip ons easy. other than that why do you want to be so specific about the angle?

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The angle of the bars, how much they point down.

I want to change the bars so they are not as angled as the stock ones, If i dont know what the stock ones are then I cant know if the after market ones & set at more or less of an angle than the stock ones.

I also dont want to spend $300 on fully adjustable ones

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yana-Shiki's are made in florida by moto connection, a dealer in our dealer network. If your ZX10 has 50mm forks then a machined aluminum finish on a set of these clip-ons will run you $114.95 + tax/shipping , OR price - $102.95 + tax/frt (sorry this supplier doesn't give free shipping). They have no drop angle - they're straight out from where you mount them.

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Nice! and fully adjustable.

How are they fully adjustable? They're just like any other clip-on...

Overall, you aren't going to find much of a difference in angle. Most clip-on companies have you search by diameter rather than bike and angle.

I would stick with Vortex or Woodcraft. The Attack ones look nice, but I'm not sold on a pivot point vs. bolting the clamp on... Probably would be fine, but using what works is great - trying to re-invent the wheel is sometimes nothing more than simply trying to set yourself apart with gadgets.

Plus, if you ever go to a track day, understand that Vortex and Woodcraft are the two most used clip-ons and more likely to have spare bars around should you need them...

Try and avoid screw in bars as they are more money and typically ruin the bar and the bolt that holds them on. You can usually find spare bars easily enough from the three mentioned above or other places like Speigler's LSL bars, etc...

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Not sure what the deal is with your worry on angle. You're not going to notice 2 degrees. You can move clip-ons in and out to suit your feel easily and more times than not, angle never seems to be an issue. Ever...

Buy something that is known. Shitty material in an effort to save money can lead to breaks and that's never a good thing. Good quality aluminum material used on the clamps is important and also the quality of the bar. Will it bend or break when crashed? That sort of thing.

Saving $40 on an item that is as important as controls isn't something i am willing to risk...

You can go Baller style and find a set of Yosh clip-ons or something exotic like that...

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Those are the ones I got (with free stunt DVD) for $130.

I am not sure how they will fit with them being higher & hitting the fairing etc, we shall see.

I'd be wary of ones made from 6000 series aluminum, its soft, Yana Shikis are made from 7000 series aluminum much sturdier.

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Not sure about all that to be honest with you, I worked @ Kaiser aluminum for a few years and remember 6061 is aircraft aluminum and kinda soft, 7075 is a sturdier composition, and 2068 & 2018 are the Wiseco / JE pistons stock we would manufacture.

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