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Basement is about 95% complete


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Thanks to Truckin' for laying some nice carpet down last Friday. This project took me a good few years to complete due to money, time, everything else. Look at the before pictures. You can see it had some type of drywall on it. Not really. The dumbass before me put in full sheets of wood paneling and glued it on. Then he decided to cut drywall sheets in half and hang them. In the old pics, the gray was the bottom and the lighter white was on top.


When we first moved in there was a wall/room dividing the huge space up. He had a wood/coal burner in there. That was where my computer was. Right behind my computer was a 4' deep section he again walled off for a coal chute. There was a nice hole going outside that my brother filled in nicely.


Over the course of the last few years my brother and I studded, insulated, drywalled, mudded and then painted the walls.


The bar has been in my family since the early 1970's. My dad and his best friend visited this bar in Pittsburgh and they were going out of business. My dad and his friend took the bar. My dad got half and his buddy got the other. The part that I have used to be twice that long but they had to cut it down to 8 feet to get it in the basement in Westerville when we moved here in 1980. Then when my parents didn't want it, my brother took it to his house and grove city. Then he got divorced. He moved it to his other house in Groveport and lost that house. He was going to leave it with the house but I wouldn't let him so I snagged it a few years ago.


Anyways. There's a few more details I need to do. Hang some neons that my wife got me for Christmas, repaint this orange strip on the wall, and hang some track lighting in front of the bar. Other than that, I'm very happy with it.




If you want to see the other section that my brother and I did of the basement, http://bucky.kicks-ass.net/home/basement . This is the other 1/4 section of the basement. On the other side of that is the laundry room.


I'm not Bob Villa, but I think I can hold my own most of the time :).

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Looks good man. I tihnk i'm gonna do it myself as well. I had Erie come out and with a promotional price they came down to 36K! My wife was in total sticker shock. I figured around 20k to have it done but its still a TON of money. What do you estimate you have into your project?
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$1000 for the carpet.


Since my brother and I did all the labor, that was free.


As for the cost of the wood and the drywall. Maybe a grand.


Mud, etc. I'd say I did it all for under $2,000


If you know how to use a hammer and a saw.. do it yourself. You'll save yourself a TON of money and know exactly what you have in it. I'm not a big fan of contracting shit out simply because I don't like the hidden costs and stuff they try to "say" I need that I really don't.

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looks nice!


Where did you pick up the carpet at?


I need to find cheap carpet for my basement to have Truckin come in and install for me.


I told him basically what I was looking for and what color and be brought out several samples for me to ponder over.


I think the carpet that I picked it out is neutral enough and fits decently with the walls. The color is MUCH lighter during the day time with the light reflecting off of them from the big picture window I have down here.

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