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WOW Outage?


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Why would you powercycle when a tracert is failing multiple hops out from your location unless your a business class customer whos recieve a block of IP's via rip and potially (RARE) the router is fucking up. In the case of a standard cable modem they are pretty dumb device.

Ughhh what




Nnnnneeeerrrrrrrddddssss lol j.k

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On a side note.. Joe.. do you know when they might be adding more HD channels? Just curious.

I usually find out a week or two before you would, so as of right now I haven't heard of anything.


I know everyone wants HD this and that (me too), but some of these stations really need to get their act together with their HD content. TLC and Animal Planet are prime examples; most of their content is just 4:3 stuff they zoomed into so the side bars are smaller. As a result, all of the bottom text is cut off, and there are still small side bars anyway + doesn't really look all that hot. UPN might as well not even have an HD feed, as they rarely have anything but 4:3 content.

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I usually find out a week or two before you would, so as of right now I haven't heard of anything.


I know everyone wants HD this and that (me too), but some of these stations really need to get their act together with their HD content. TLC and Animal Planet are prime examples; most of their content is just 4:3 stuff they zoomed into so the side bars are smaller. As a result, all of the bottom text is cut off, and there are still small side bars anyway + doesn't really look all that hot. UPN might as well not even have an HD feed, as they rarely have anything but 4:3 content.


What about SciFi HD?

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Pointless now, Battlestar Galactica only has a couple of shows left.


I'm about to drop cable for DirectTV, For the money I pay I should have more HD content, WOW is way too slow in rolling out channels, There is plenty of content on ESPN2 and we don't have that in HD yet. What's the excuse there, other than WOW squabbling over money... When WOW calls me to raise our rate after our guaranteed price is expired, I will say peace. I will most likely keep the internet, but ditch the phone service and cable.


The phone service sounds bad on the other persons end, When my wife calls me from home(I'm on a land line at work) she sounds worse than a bad cell connection. All Wow does is have us restart the modem..... I'm kinda fed up with it. Everyone who calls me at home tells me my phone sounds like shit but I hear them fine.


If direct TV can have that many HD feeds, so can cable, they should do the right thing and not pipe in all the freakin analog channels I never watch and make me pay for them before I am even eligible to have the HD package. Just let me have the HD package with no shitty analog channels.....that would free up all the bandwidth we need. But no it's all over money really, not bandwidth.

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Why would you post "WOW Outage" when you know the only site he couldn't get to was CR. How in the hell is that an outage? An outage would mean that he can't get to anything, anywhere. And just because his is out doesn't mean the whole city of Columbus is out; nodes/amp can go down, someone can hit a pole and take out a line (happened around Main/Hamilton a week ago; dump truck nailed AT&T, WOW, and TW fiber...MAJOR outages for all, regardless of who you were a customer of).


Joe, Any time in the RDC we see a OUTAGE at any point of a routing chain this time appearing to be qwest we classify it as a outage due to the fact there is a outage at some point. Remeber you work on the wire level I work on the network level we have diffrent views of things. I was not claiming anything bad against wow. I was just asking if anyone else had seen the same issue to try and help bucky.



If at timewarner we have a BGP Issue and say .1% of the internet traffic can't be reached we still classify it as a outage. It sounds like it was just a hiccup in routing and thats cool again I was in no way trashing wow I have no beef with wow.



I also really like what you were able to do for wow customers with your killer deal. Thats something you did not have to do but went out of your way to make happen.



So don't take me as trashing wow I just was classifing a inccedent in the same fashion I would with any situation I would deal with here in the RDC.




Terms. for the non geeks


BGP = Border Gateway Protocol (Pass routes around)

RDC = Regional Data Center

Outage = any disreution in service.

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I'm about to drop cable for DirectTV, For the money I pay I should have more HD content, WOW is way too slow in rolling out channels, There is plenty of content on ESPN2 and we don't have that in HD yet. What's the excuse there, other than WOW squabbling over money... When WOW calls me to raise our rate after our guaranteed price is expired, I will say peace. I will most likely keep the internet, but ditch the phone service and cable.


The phone service sounds bad on the other persons end, When my wife calls me from home(I'm on a land line at work) she sounds worse than a bad cell connection. All Wow does is have us restart the modem..... I'm kinda fed up with it. Everyone who calls me at home tells me my phone sounds like shit but I hear them fine.


If direct TV can have that many HD feeds, so can cable, they should do the right thing and not pipe in all the freakin analog channels I never watch and make me pay for them before I am even eligible to have the HD package. Just let me have the HD package with no shitty analog channels.....that would free up all the bandwidth we need. But no it's all over money really, not bandwidth.


thats shitty we have never had any problems with TW.

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I usually find out a week or two before you would, so as of right now I haven't heard of anything.


I know everyone wants HD this and that (me too), but some of these stations really need to get their act together with their HD content. TLC and Animal Planet are prime examples; most of their content is just 4:3 stuff they zoomed into so the side bars are smaller. As a result, all of the bottom text is cut off, and there are still small side bars anyway + doesn't really look all that hot. UPN might as well not even have an HD feed, as they rarely have anything but 4:3 content.


I wouldn't say "most" for TLC, I would say every 3rd show.

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I'm about to drop cable for DirectTV, For the money I pay I should have more HD content, WOW is way too slow in rolling out channels, There is plenty of content on ESPN2 and we don't have that in HD yet. What's the excuse there, other than WOW squabbling over money... When WOW calls me to raise our rate after our guaranteed price is expired, I will say peace. I will most likely keep the internet, but ditch the phone service and cable.


The phone service sounds bad on the other persons end, When my wife calls me from home(I'm on a land line at work) she sounds worse than a bad cell connection. All Wow does is have us restart the modem..... I'm kinda fed up with it. Everyone who calls me at home tells me my phone sounds like shit but I hear them fine.


If direct TV can have that many HD feeds, so can cable, they should do the right thing and not pipe in all the freakin analog channels I never watch and make me pay for them before I am even eligible to have the HD package. Just let me have the HD package with no shitty analog channels.....that would free up all the bandwidth we need. But no it's all over money really, not bandwidth.

I have no say on the content, and what's going down as far as that goes. I know there are some things on the horizion this year that should be better TV wise. :)


As for your phone issues, I can come over and take a look (during works hours...I like being paid to work, lol). I'm pretty much the top guy when it comes to repairing anything home related; your description sure sounds like an upstream issue. Bad EMTA, poor signal, etc. PM me your phone number and I'll look up your EMTA and check your levels tomorrow.


Joe has wow started rolling out 1ghz plants? I was curious how far away they were from A. Packet cable B. more hd C. Docsis 3.0

Our plant was built for 1GHz (at least every component I've seen...could be an amp/node, old EQ, etc. out there that's 750MHz, dunno as I'm not a plant maintenace tech), as is everything Americast (and now us) has installed on the customer premise as well.


I know our EMTA's are Docsis 3 compliant, and I think they done some testing, but no word beyond that.


I wouldn't say "most" for TLC, I would say every 3rd show.

Well, most of the stuff I ever watch on it. :p

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Docsis 3.0 is bad asa we tested it. 100 down 10 up. I was just curious Wonder waht your using. Arris? Have you seen the business docsis 2 modems that can do 3 stream? (6up in theory if the CMTS has the up required.


Sorry to drill ya just curious. I deal with this stuff all day well not directly because I handle system (Ya know bin files dhcp dns) but I work with the network guys.

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