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I can has firefox 3


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I just finished downloading it, took me several attempts to download it successfully, their site is getting hit hard. They are attempting to set a record for most downloads in a 24 hour period. I don't know how I like it so far.
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not sure what needed fixed, but I do notice it's a heck of a lot faster.


Wow, they fixed so much stuff, and made it a lot faster too!


I especially like the streamlined version of the password remember prompt.

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Very fast. Will be my web browser for now until I find something else fucked up about it. ../ubb/tongue.gif


Well, go figure. It won't let me view my Google Calendar that I use for all my shit. Back to Safari for now. :(:mad:

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The URL history bar is pissing me off. It's not maintaining my history, but relying on my bookmarks.


I'm about to roll back to Firefox 2.


It looks to me like it shows what you have in your bookmarks toolbar first, then shows (limited) history. Odd.

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