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Glenn Beck: About being conservative


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Glenn Beck and I have some common beliefs where we almost completely, if not 100%, agree. Than on other issues we're like black and white. For instance his recent tirade against Grand Theft Auto 4. Talk about out of touch. Which was particularly upsetting, because on other stances where I didn't see eye to eye with him, he at least provided thought provoking arguments. Interesting article.
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I also think a lot more people are more conservative than they believe/want to believe.

Wrong, people are people and are generally not idiots. Don't label them because they agree with you on something that makes sense.

It gets bad when they decide to join groups like "conservative" and "liberal".

The collective IQ of any group goes down as it's population goes up.

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Glenn is definitely spot-on on some major issues (oil, corporate control of gov't, etc.), and mostly mainstream issues, and I definitely like how he calls out gov't officials and most of the time calls it exactly like it is. The only thing about him that rubs me the wrong way is that when he picks a candidate to back, he blatantly bashes everyone else, even the other candidate's good qualities, just to promote the person he supports -- he did this initially when he supported Guiliani during the primaries then changed his mind later to McCain. It's okay to have opinions, but when he gets biased and won't even acknowledge good qualities of others, that bothers me.


I'm a registered Republican that will be voting Obama unless a really good independent candidate emerges, and I can acknowledge that McCain atleast does have good war experience, I just disagree with most of his standpoints, but can acknowledge the pros. Most of the people here can do the same in acknowledging pros/cons of issues.

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Mixing right and wrong and then calling it compromise still doesn't solve a problem^




Also, to the gentleman who is supposedly a registered repub voting for Obama. First, I don't believe you. Obama does not have one conservative idea in his head. Obviously you did at one point in time.


Secondly, if you are voting just to spite the loser repubs in office right now, just look at how well your plan worked in 06 when we got this good for nothing Congress.


BTW, I agree with almost everything you said about the candidates. I no longer consider myself a repub. I'm a conservative.

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...his live show last year, An Inconvenient Tour


I admittedly don't follow Glenn Beck that much, but I do have one question. What is his thing with Al Gore? It seems a lot like he's trying to get famous by criticizing someone who's already famous. Correct me if I'm wrong...

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Mixing right and wrong and then calling it compromise still doesn't solve a problem^




Also, to the gentleman who is supposedly a registered repub voting for Obama. First, I don't believe you. Obama does not have one conservative idea in his head. Obviously you did at one point in time.


Secondly, if you are voting just to spite the loser repubs in office right now, just look at how well your plan worked in 06 when we got this good for nothing Congress.


BTW, I agree with almost everything you said about the candidates. I no longer consider myself a repub. I'm a conservative.


Suggesting your idea of right and wrong is the only correct one. Further perpetuating the same problems. Ending up in the same place.

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Guest bimmer95
The only thing about him that rubs me the wrong way is that when he picks a candidate to back, he blatantly bashes everyone else, even the other candidate's good qualities, just to promote the person he supports -- he did this initially when he supported Guiliani during the primaries then changed his mind later to McCain.

It don't sound like you listen to the show much. He never endorsed any candidate, though he was leaning towards Romney or Guiliani, and is definitely not 100% or even 60% behind McCain. He's ideologically behind Barr, but may vote for McCain anyway since the libertarian doesn't really have a shot at winning.

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Guest bimmer95
What is his thing with Al Gore? It seems a lot like he's trying to get famous by criticizing someone who's already famous.

He's merely mocking the sillyness of the man made "global warming" cult. Plus the general topic of the show was things that are inconvenient, like the DMV, your wife wanting to rent "bonnet" movies, etc. I really don't think naming his tour that made him any more or less famous than he already was.

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stating there are no absolutes= an absolute.


Which I didn't say. I merely suggested compromise is appropriate at an impasse. Using the term 'absolute' only furthers my point. 'Absolute' is relative to position. We digress though, as this has nothing to do with Glenn Beck.


Glen Beck: sometimes we agree, sometimes we don't.


OSU: pm me.

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Guest 78novaman

I saw Beck's live show in Toledo in '05 maybe? Before the TV show and he started going nuts on his rantings.



I'm probably voting Barr. McCain is soft on policy and will back down to make everyone happy. Don't forget the illegal amnesty and the campaign finance reform.


Obama just wants to promote every typical left leaning policy he can while personally breaking every one of them. aka the campaign finance reform that he is not following.


Current partys:

Democrats: libreal

Republicans: pretend to be conservative and then vote/support liberal ideas



I need a third party. Anyone want to bring back the Whiggs?

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It don't sound like you listen to the show much. He never endorsed any candidate, though he was leaning towards Romney or Guiliani, and is definitely not 100% or even 60% behind McCain. He's ideologically behind Barr, but may vote for McCain anyway since the libertarian doesn't really have a shot at winning.


I used to watch it ~4 days a week when the primary season was just getting started. This was when, at one point in a show, he stated he was behind Guiliani at that particular point in time and bashed the other republican candidates.


I like Glenn, I just don't like this particular part of his style -- on most subjects I agree with him, I just don't like that when he picks a target he just comes down on them with everything he has and seems not to acknowledge much of the good. The Al Gore topic is a good example (and for the record, I'm not much of an Al Gore fan), same with Obama. I don't like all of Obama's stances, but I pretty much can't stand McCain, but he also certainly has some good points with things.


Also, to the gentleman who is supposedly a registered repub voting for Obama. First, I don't believe you. Obama does not have one conservative idea in his head. Obviously you did at one point in time.


What don't you believe me on? Perhaps I can clarify for you. I believe I made two statements that stand out -- I am a registered Republican (fact) and I will be voting for Obama if a good Independent candidate doesn't emerge (also a fact).


Secondly, if you are voting just to spite the loser repubs in office right now, just look at how well your plan worked in 06 when we got this good for nothing Congress.


BTW, I agree with almost everything you said about the candidates. I no longer consider myself a repub. I'm a conservative.


You're making some assumptions and accusations here that aren't accurate, so let me give a little bit of info. In 06 I did not vote for the House of Reps because I didn't have enough info on the candidates at the time to vote with good conscience (to my recollection). I did vote for Sherrod Brown (D) in the Senate because Mike DeWine was/is an illegal immigration advocate which is unacceptable to me. I'm glad he's out of office and Sherrod Brown is in. I've written him a few letters and received some back from his staff that have been favorable on some of the issues that are important to me.


I appreciate your agreement. :) And I do consider myself MOSTLY conservative-leaning. I don't back McCain because of his stance on Iraq, his economic ideas, and his stance on illegal immigration (frankly I don't believe he has changed his stance on illegal immigration as he so seemingly wants voters to believe).


Sorry for the length, first time I saw the thread since my last post. :) Hope you all have a safe Friday.

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I saw Beck's live show in Toledo in '05 maybe? Before the TV show and he started going nuts on his rantings.



I'm probably voting Barr. McCain is soft on policy and will back down to make everyone happy. Don't forget the illegal amnesty and the campaign finance reform.


Obama just wants to promote every typical left leaning policy he can while personally breaking every one of them. aka the campaign finance reform that he is not following.


Current partys:

Democrats: libreal

Republicans: pretend to be conservative and then vote/support liberal ideas



I need a third party. Anyone want to bring back the Whiggs?



Bring back the Whiggs..........what will we call our followers? Whiggers??? I hope that's not too Don Imus


I'm a pretty big Glenn fan. His main two mediums, TV and Radio are two completely different forms of his personality. I really dislike his TV show, but LOVE his radio show. Radio is truly his fortay.


I think people like Glenn because he's real. He doesn't always think he's right by everyone, but he thinks he's right by himself. I think of him as a regular guy. He know's what the gutter looks like and now he guides himself with a strict set of principles which he lives his life by.


I respect him highly. We don't always agree, but there are many things I understand why he belives the way he believes.

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