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Analyst Predicts $7 Gas by 2010


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Europe is paying the equivalent of $9.8X a gallon of fuel. Why does this really keep surprising anyone?

Understandably they have a shit ton more taxes on their fuel than we do, but couple the speculation with inflation and $7/gal gas seems about right comparitevly.

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Guest Addicted2Boost
I was watchin TV about a week ago and they was sayin somewhere idk where but the gas was like 17. sumpin a gallon... Thats nuts!! I do think that itll reach 7 a gallon by then. Didnt Bush pass a bill er sumpin sayin by the year 2010 that EVERY car had to be at least 30 miles to a gallon??
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Market speculations are self-fulfilling prophecies. It will be whatever we believe it's worth. They keep feeding us that BS and people eat it up. Come to think of it, brb...... I'm gonna buy some Exxon Mobile stock, I smell more record profits.
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Guest Addicted2Boost
I'm gonna buy some Exxon Mobile stock, I smell more record profits.


you have 3 kids and a GT35 to buy.. gonna have to hold back on that stock for a while or sell more cars!!! ;p;

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At 7 a gallon you wont see many cop cars left on the road. Most depts are already speaking of major cut backs on patrol and cars out of service.


Now think of this too.. at $7 a gallon people will have to cut corners too. Like INSURANCE. Thats the first thing they will cut back on because it obviously wont be FOOD. More uninsured motorists on the roads, more UNSAFE vehicles on the road too. These 1990s shitboxes will be ever so popular and still falling apart all over our city.


Downfall of America at much over $5 a gallon, NOT a pretty future ahead of us.

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Didnt Bush pass a bill er sumpin sayin by the year 2010 that EVERY car had to be at least 30 miles to a gallon??


I think it was later then that. The years 2012 and 2020 are sticking in my head. One is that, and the other is another automotive law.

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Uh, the economy has to actually stop growing, and recede in progress to have a recession.


generally there's an inverse relationship between inflation and unemployment, both are rising right now, which is a sign of stagflation if my memory of 8am Econ 101 is anything close to accurate

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