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Crazy night Gun pulled and more... CREW

Guest EM1 2ENVY

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you are some what right but... if ur in fear of your life and the gun is yours and u have ccw like me u can shot him just have a good lawyer i shot a dude along time ago and got away and never have a ccw just gotta have the money and be in fear of ur life


There are no buts about it. If you have the ability to remove yourself from the situation the first thing you attempt to do is leave. If you have to be involved with a situation you try and covey it with out pulling a weapon. The last thing you do is pull your gun. If you have a CCW you'd know all this.

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There are no buts about it. If you have the ability to remove yourself from the situation the first thing you attempt to do is leave. If you have to be involved with a situation you try and covey it with out pulling a weapon. The last thing you do is pull your gun. If you have a CCW you'd know all this.

Kevin, didn't some of this change with the castle doctrine? Obviously the basics are the same, but, do you have to exhaust all opportunities to flee now?

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Hal the Castle doctrine is for self defense for someone entering your house or vehicle. Burglary or car jacking for instance. It will also allow any person to carry an unloaded gun in a vehicle with ammo near by. Not in separate compartments like before. The bill has not gone into effect at this time, but will be in effect on September 11 2008.
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Hal the Castle doctrine is for self defense for someone entering your house or vehicle. Burglary or car jacking for instance. It will also allow any person to carry an unloaded gun in a vehicle with ammo near by. Not in separate compartments like before. The bill has not gone into effect at this time, but will be in effect on September 11 2008.

Interesting, I thought they passed more with the doctrine. Good to know though.

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I didnt put it in but meant to, to answer your question. If you are in your house or vehicle, you don't have to flee.


That was a big problem in my eyes, and I was a supporter of this bill. If someone breaks into your house and tries to hurt your and your family, you basically had to go hide and call the police. With this bill you defend then call the police.

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I would guess they gave him a chance because he was banned before for personal threats. Now he just posted stupid shit and they revoked his chance?
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Well that makes you 1 in 1million who didn't act like an idiot when they were a kid. I bet everyone else in this thread thinks they never acted like an idiot when they were a kid either... only on CR.


I'm not saying I didn't do stupid shit or act like a tool from time to time, but I didn't surround myself with people or get in situations that would result in such actions that happened to the OP last night. That definitely doesn't make me one in a million.

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your 22, shot a dude a long time ago (I read that shot at age 10 with water pistol) and your saying you have a CCW now. Some how I hope someone that has shot someone when they were a kid can not get CCW.


I'm a few years older than you and I can say that in my life I've met one person who's seriously killed someone in a fight when they were a teen and that person is a crack head, psychotic criminal and they can't even get a drivers lisence and are probably on parole forever.


hehe sorry forgot this is the internet so I guess I have a CCW, my dick is 30", and my corolla is faster than what ever you drive:-)



i would tell you the hole story, but its way to long i got jumped when i was in my car at a light by four guys,i shot one in self defence and i spent a year fighting the case and 13,000 dollars later i won the case and got no recored look me up i wuz not found guilty so there for my recored is clean and thats how i have my ccw and why im going to be come a cop.....lol ;)
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i would tell you the hole story, but its way to long i got jumped when i was in my car at a light by four guys,i shot one in self defence and i spent a year fighting the case and 13,000 dollars later i won the case and got no recored look me up i wuz not found guilty so there for my recored is clean and thats how i have my ccw and why im going to be come a cop.....lol ;)


If you were under 18 its not going to come up.


what's a ccw? oorry for the dumb questions im not going to read this whole thread to find out small info


Ohio License to Carry a Concealed Handgun

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