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Time to think...

V8 Beast

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I'm not worried about zombies because I know you would come and pick me up in a semi with about 7 trillion rounds. Then you would drop me off at the other semi with enough rations to get through 3 years.

You must provide beef ravioli, booze, women, and something to entertain me during that time. A bananna suit and a baseball bat would do the trick for atleast a year of entertainment.

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I dont think about depressing stuff like war and the economy, i think of more happier things like when the zombies come and how i will deal with them and what weapons i'll car with me or were i'll go and what type of terrain i'll avoid. Now this is all dependent on class of zombie.
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Does that hold true for WWII? Does it hold true from 9/11? Does peace really solve anything, other than adopting weak ideals, and open themselves to those that are more dominant. Self-defense is right, and so is the security of one's nation. Those should soley be the basis for conflict in my opinion. Other than that fuck the rest of the world, I'm sick of everyone trying to help other countries out when we as the US, need to help our own in need.


Its not about taking care of other countries.. hell if you look at recent enents we suck at taking care of ourselves. Its about making smart decisions. Both 911 and WWII happened as a result of others trying to prove they could hurt America. Peace might solve a lot, but we are too eager to test out our new weaponry to see.

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You must provide beef ravioli, booze, women, and something to entertain me during that time. A bananna suit and a baseball bat would do the trick for atleast a year of entertainment.


I will bring 15 very attractive women who know that their sole purpose will be to breed. After we kill all of the zombies we will all name continents after ourselves and make beer pong a proffesional sport :p

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Oh, Scott... I'm going to need you to take Val and I to the shooting range and teach us how to properly use a firearm. I have kind of a natural ghetto way of holding a gun, and I want to see how to do it right.
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Guest 614Streets
Brian , when Brian Williams or any Anchor performs a news cast , remember they are only speaking to you not us. They need you Brian. Brian save us all!
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I completely understand what you mean, Brian. As I get older, it only gets worse. I've seen so much terrible shit in my life and combined with what I see in the world today, it hurts and angers me so very much.
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Oh, Scott... I'm going to need you to take Val and I to the shooting range and teach us how to properly use a firearm. I have kind of a natural ghetto way of holding a gun, and I want to see how to do it right.



Learning how to safely shoot and operate a gun will become invaluable when the zombies show up.


If you guys get bored in your fortress hit me up on the two way, my fortress will be up in Marion. Cornfields for miles I can see the zombies come from a distance.

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Ok, seriously I have odd thoughts about the future. Most of them are really long and drawn out. I feel I would lose all credibility if I were to voice them.


The only one I really think will happen is that we will have another civil war. I actually believe that we (the people on my side) need to have advanced tactics/weapons training because the split will happen in 10-40 years.

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Ok, seriously I have odd thoughts about the future. Most of them are really long and drawn out. I feel I would lose all credibility if I were to voice them.


The only one I really think will happen is that we will have another civil war. I actually believe that we (the people on my side) need to have advanced tactics/weapons training because the split will happen in 10-40 years.


Civil war is the people fighting themselves.


Revolution is the people fighting the Government.


We couldn't have a civil war, all the anti-this and anti-that nutswingers typically don't own guns as that is part of their utopian delusion, and if they do, they typically don't know how to use them, or pee them self's a little bit every time they do.


So, any civil war would be ended in days.


I fear it would be a Revolution, again, that we would be stepping up to.


From there, there are a million possibilities that could happen. A lot would hinge on whether the Military would stand up for the people and the Constitution like it's sworn to do. Or turn face on us and support the Government.


Shit, I miss placed my tin foil hat.

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My attempt at a real answer aside from guns, alcohol, and random alien babbllings.


It seems like your somewhat of a "control" freak. There is no way to control all of the people of the world from their own ignorance. There is absolutely no way to end violence. It is hard to understand the perspectives of the people around the world because we have not walked the miles in their shoes. We are NOT above cavemen, we are the same beings. We have not evolved that much in terms of intellect.


(the chain is a strong as it's weakest link philosophy)

In order for us as a "being" to have evolved......everyone has to be as evolved. If you had half of the worlds people commited to "non-violent" measures...........very Ghandi or MLK like action...........there is going to be another half who don't care about the measures others are willing to take. They sense the opportunity to sieze power by force, and will leverage that. Ask any world leader who has siezed power of a weak country and leveraged their misfortunes to the leaders objectives.


Give a man a million dollars and he'll look for a million more, give a man one wife and he'll wish he had two, give a man a million soldiers and he'll figure ways double it in size. It's our obsession with finding something bigger, badder, better, faster, lighter........and never being content with what we've been given.


Its a shame that the world does not share with each other. Its a shame that we charge money for land that doesnt belong to us.


Is it really? Do you own land? Since it doesn't really belong to you, how about if I build my house right next to yours.


I understand where your coming from, but the need to establish boundaries is a human trait. People want their own wall, their own rooms, their own showers, their own things. Since your car was built with "not your resources"....how about letting me borrow it? It's a shame you won't share your house wiht everyone whenever they want. I'm not trying to be an ass, I'm just using an illustration closer to home.


It's not only a shame that people charge for land.......it's a shame that people actually pay for it.


Its a shame that we allow our government feels they have to bully other countries.


I would have to say, that it's a shame that other countries, organizations and people think they can bully us. I don't think that we are bullying them as much as they are bullying us. For some reason there is this illusion that the US trys to control the world. We rely on the world now.........China is scared that we'll quit buying the products they continue to produce......Russia is scared that oil prices may collapse, sending them back to the stone ages.......There is a distinct set of checks and balances throughout the world keeping things even. Sometimes the pendulumm takes a little bit to get from one side to another.....but it always swings.


Its a shame that oil companies feel they can mess up our economy so that they can make an extra buck.


I thought you said you were without the ignorance gene.


I choose to buy gasoline, period. So do you and so does everyone else. A fool and his/her money are soon parted. Maybe you wouldn't work for a profit, but they refuse to lose. Aside from that, I promise, no one will "bail" big oil out if they lost money.


Oil is much bigger than oil companies.

Oil prices are a result of many things not limited to:


Oil companies

Shortage of supply

Supply chain disruptions

Refining capacity

Over consumption

Foriegn country oil subsidies(ie china)

deflated dollar


lack of new oil sources



I'd beg to say it's a shame that cell phone companies feel they can mess up the economy just to make an extra buck.....0.45$ per minute over my limit....so what I talked 1000 extra minutes....that's $450. Little more than my gas bill.......how dare they hate the economy that much, just to make an extra dollar. $250 bucks for a RAZR2.....how dare they make me sign a two year contract!!! WTF


You always have a choice..........you choose to drive a car being powered by gasoline......so does everyone else, you can always pedal or walk, they are really options. Just like I have the ability to buy a prepaid phone sans contract. People always want to point the finger, but refuse to look in the mirror.

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I dont have much time so I will touch on each..


Control freak... Its not about controlling the world its about getting everyone on the same page. To have peace you cant force it, it has to be wanted by everyone. No its not going to happen anytime soon. Hell, we have people that will take time to go through something I typed point for point looking for something to disagree with. Human nature and the fact that people enjoy conflict is why peace will probably never ever happen.


Sharing... "It's not only a shame that people charge for land.......it's a shame that people actually pay for it." My point exactly.


Oil companies... If you read more into it the profits being made are followed by excuses... not reasons. If they actually were setting prices the correct way we as a nation would not be hoping that the government would step in to help us. Those factors that lead to the over pricing are still leading to a nice profit for them no matter how you look at it.


Comparing cell phones to oil is a bit ignorant in itself. If I call you and you are over your minutes you can ignore the call and call back from a different phone. Or even better you can change your plan to accomodate your minutes. I would have to change my life to avoid paying for high gas prices. The cost is so high that they are sending us checks. Why.. because we have changed our lives. We have adapted by not putting money back into the economy. Thus the prices are directly hurting the economy.

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Hell, we have people that will take time to go through something I typed point for point looking for something to disagree with.



Comparing cell phones to oil is a bit ignorant in itself. If I call you and you are over your minutes you can ignore the call and call back from a different phone. Or even better you can change your plan to accomodate your minutes. I would have to change my life to avoid paying for high gas prices. The cost is so high that they are sending us checks. Why.. because we have changed our lives. We have adapted by not putting money back into the economy. Thus the prices are directly hurting the economy.

Point one is incorrect :cool:


Point two is entirely correct.

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Point one is incorrect :cool:


Point two is entirely correct.


LOL! I see exactly where the guy is coming from, it's just that he could have done a better job on the ending. We could sit here and debate all night long about it and both of us would be right. I put it in the parking lot because it was a random thought. If I wanted to debate I would have put it in the kitchen.


What Scott did was disagree....Tommy is trying to start a debate :bangbang:

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I'd say we could have a reasonable debate but, this is CR. I can see the point, I just think it is a bit far fetched. Honestly, I think we have a lot more to worry about. Gas prices and cell phones really aren't going to kill us.
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