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VW One-Liter


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I'll take the diesel Hybrid Rabbit at 72MPG for now, if they bring it here.....




$50k for JUST mpg...and not much else...is too much. If I still need to pay for gas, oil, filters, etc...I would rather buy an all-electric Chevy Volt for $20k less and never have to buy gas or oil again.

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Hello. We'd like to bring this car to the US. It gets incredible mileage and if enough people buy them, they will cut America's dependency on oil by a marked amount.


Hmm.. Well, it's not going to meet our crash safety standards. You're going to have to add this list of stuff to the car.


We can't do that, it'll almsot double the weight of the car!


Oh, and that guy with the EPA over there wants you to add this list of stuff.


But it burns so little fuel and so cleanly that there's practicly no emissions.


Well, he wants you to add it anyways.


This'll make the car even heavier! We'l never get the mileage or emissions out of it that we want.


Well then you'll have to add this list of stuff to be sure to hit those goals.


The car will weigh 2000 lbs at this point!


Oh! Then you'll have to add this list of stuff so that it's safe to hit other cars.


ARGH!!!! *kicks the car, knocking one of the rear wheels off*


Nice motorcycle you have there. Welcome to America.

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