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Dublin fireworks

V8 Beast

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Brian I'm up in polaris at work I might head to the dublin one looks like the rain I stopping what time an where if its still on?




Dublin fireworks are tomorrow, fools



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We've only done either Verizon or Cardinal. I'm partial to Cardinal as we turn right at head to 33 and when we parked at Verizon we had to battle getting out of there and then the traffic from Cardinal.


Just be sure you exit the lot making right hand turns as it's a mass exit and no one will let you down any of the main isles.


In Cardinal just go towards the main entrance turn right and make another right down the main drag to the exits. We bypassed everyone last year by seemingly going deeper into the parking lot and then making two right turns.


Maybe a little clearer on a map....avoid parking and exiting along the red lines. Green lines are cool, just make sure you make right turns to do it.


No matter what, back your car in. Avoid needing to back out of a space at all costs as everyone around you will be trying to back out into a lane of traffic that moves slooowwww and one car at a time. We did that one time and never again. It took me and two other guys blocking traffic as our spouses backed the cars out. People were still honking like dicks too.




What are your suggestions for the best places to view? Given the consideration of easiest entrance and egress from said location.
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