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"I bought an overly-complicated phone, and don't know how to use it" crew. SIGN IN!


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Yep. Member #1 here.


Bought an xv6800 about a week ago. Basic operation is easy enough, however, I'd like to add some programs, change a few settings, and other things I can't think of right now.


What's the best way to get into this or where can I read up on how to do it without screwing the damn thing up?


What are some must-have applications? I'd like to have an easier way to access the battery % screen.


How do I post on CR with this thing? (I can read the site [and others], but it won't let me type anything. Why is that?


Is the battery only supposed to last a little over a day with this thing, even with all running programs turned off? Verizon claimed 340 hours of stand-by time. My ass.



Anyone else in this crew?

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ppcgeeks.com is a great source as well as xda-developers. I believe thats the same phone I have with sprint. The HTC 6800 or mogul. If so there is a ton of great hacks, and programs, full roms and all kinds of shit. Too much to list.
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I have a Blackberry 8830 World Edition... and even though Ive had it for about a year, i still dont know how to use everything on it, let alone all the crap you can do with it when its hooked to the computer. You know you can even hook it to a laptop and use it as a modem? Crazy how complicated this stuff has become.
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try sprintmogul.net

same phone just different carrier. you can get all the software from there. i know my way around this phone so if you have any questions or need programs let me know.

you can change the entire look and feel of the phone software wise. and it is easier to use and more functional

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You know you can even hook it to a laptop and use it as a modem? Crazy how complicated this stuff has become.

You can use most cell phones as modems. I use mine with my PDA for gps and internet.

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Congratulations on an awesome phone. I've had mine for around 3 months now. This is the software I use:


To tether to my laptop for internet (couldn't get the Verizon software to work):



Threaded SMS:



Windows Live for Windows Mobile:



The Core Pocket Media Player:



Yeah, my battery barely lasts a day, that's the only drawback.

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