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Fruit Fail


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I might as well add to this failure....One on the left is 3G....everyone is getting a yellow tint to screen. Right one is 1st gen



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All of this talk about Apple really makes me want an apple, but I ran out yesterday. Rats. :(

I have, in my possession, one beautiful, nicely ripened apple, specially grown in a small, private orchard that is renowned for their apples. Fruit of the month shit I got as a gift. My neighbor has been begging me for more of them as I generally share since I can't always finish all the fruit. Bidding starts at $2 I'm open to trades, as well.

Remember, this isn't a commercial apple, so it's not shit.






Uhh, I'm willing to take a bit of a hit on this last apple. It appears a bite.. shit, two bites.............. dammit.


The apple is no longer for sale.

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