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V8 Beast

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I'm talkin shit. :asshole:







Damn... Picking an E-fight is harder then I thought.

Bull shit it's hard. You go fuck yourself dipshit.





See, it's easy, just do it right.

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^ Oh I get it! And who better to teach me, but the angriest person on CR. Well then in that case...

Go suck on a premature babys unsercomsised dick!


Was that good?

wrong...i am way better then hal..on here or in person. :bangbang:

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^ Oh I get it! And who better to teach me, but the angriest person on CR. Well then in that case...

Go suck on a premature babys unsercomsised dick!


Was that good?


Phonetics just metaphorically lauched a football, hit you squarely in the head, and knocked the Ray Bans from your face, sending them spiraling away onto the ground in an awesome display of awkwardness. Now we all get to look away in embarrassment and act like we didn't see what just happened.

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Eh. None of you know the power of the Puerto Rican. I've already broken into all your homes and stolen your vaginas. Thank me for the missing sand. Oh, and some of you could stand to douche more often. But since some of you no longer have vaginas (I stole them, remember? Go ahead check. I'll wait....)

.... Like I was saying, since some of you no longer have vaginas, go right ahead and jam those round tip applicators in your mouth and squeeze away. Maybe it'll shut you the fuck up for awhile.





PS- Ask Thorne how long it took me to break into his house unnoticed, I might add, with a few others standing around. :D

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Edited after thinking about where he is coming from... But I'm leaving the last part because it's funny :p



The last part: Oh wait... is Sam being a snitch :D Show me a license plate and I'll claim its my car. Show me lights and I'll says its Phils :p

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