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Find the irony.....


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Man, screw these people and their friends.


"She says a car accident 17 years ago left her depressed and disabled, incapable of getting a job."


Watch some kids, work from home online or over the phone, something.


"A lot of people have told me, 'Why don't your daughter have a kid?'"


Yeah! There is the answer RIGHT THERE.


"I don't have a car so I can't find work" does not cut it. Borrow a car, borrow a bike, walk, ride a bus, bum a ride.


An entire extended family living off of our taxes. They're complaining now more than before because their free handouts aren't buying as many groceries (chips and dip by the looks of it). WAAAAAAAH.


They bought a tattoo. They bought overpriced sunglasses.


And yes, the irony is blatant.

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It has always amazed me why people stay in areas if theres apparantly no work. There is low income housing everywhere if thats what they need. NOTHING IS FORCING YOU TO STAY THERE. Yeah her dad went out and got a JOB. There are still jobs out there. Just look in a dispatch any given sunday. Plenty of jobs. But nowadays if someone isnt bringing home $$$$$$ a week it must not be a good job. Get fucking real. Just like I told my little brother the other day, if it came down to it, I would go as far as begging MCD's to hire me if I needed work. I dont feel there is much shame in it. Personal responsibility people, your parents did it. I say if there is no reasonable excuse why your not working than absolutely no government benefits. Anything shy of missing all 4 limbs and even then you can lick stamps or something. Put a headset on and answer phones. Whatever it takes. You are obligated to be a productive member of society.
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I mean seriously NPR complaining about how a FAT family can't afford meat or ice cream...........as if thats a tragedy.


What's a tragedy is you continue to live in an trashy town and wonder why nothing is going your way.





How much is their cable bill. People don't get that fat on DVD's or over the air TV.....that's almost scientific fact.


I have no car because it costs too much money, I have no money because I have no car...............duh...duh.....duh......duh.........With all that money you need to buy yourself a bike with a large banana seat and pedal your ass the get an application.


Pretend for a second, these two horses lived on a farm 200 years ago. How do they survive.

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