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F Carson Palmer


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While living in Texas, I've never met more annoying fans than UT fans. Hook em' my nuts, I loved hearing them think the longhorns were the best thing that God invented.



The only thing God invented was a support/suppression system for weak-minded people.


You cant possibly say that any other NCAA football fans are more annoying than we are, you just cant.


As far as carson palmer goes... He's just angry that in the year they could have (easily) won a title, He breaks his friggin leg on a million yard pass for a touchdown, and then the single worst NFL champs in history go on to win. I'd hate everyone for the rest of my life too.

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Has anyone ever been to Cinnci????? All that Who Dey shit makes me want to die. I went to a few clubs and every 2 mins it was "who dey". They had 1 good season in the last 12 or so. Ohh and 8 and 8 does not count as a good season especially with the talent they have. I dont blame him for talking shit he just directed it at the wrong people. Talk shit about the team not the fans.


Im proud to be a Buckeye fan I could care less what anyone says. People can come up with their own opinions. I dont understand how people around here can pass judgement about fans. Ofcourse they hear it more hear you would hear tons about Michigan in Ann Arbor. In LA all you would hear about is USC. Its the same complaining for people that dont like sports in every city. Also how the hell do people not like sports? Thats just weird.

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The guys from USC, you really think he has to be a buckeye fan just because he lives in Ohio? He didnt ask for the Bengirls to draft him. Hell i'm sure Braylon Edwards roots for Michigan and gets tired of hearing OSU fans as well.


Its a shame that this comment is being talked about more then the actual game. Just goes to show you that everything most people think its based on what the media puts in front of them. Im sure if he said Fuck Michigan no OSU fan would have an issue with him.


Only thing that makes him different then any other regular Joe walking the streets is his wallet size. Im not a Carson Palmer fan, I am an OSU fan but I dont find anything wrong with his comments honestly. Whats the difference between him saying this and Eddie George throwing up the Hook Em Horns at Texas 2 years ago when OSU played there?


I live on campus and I am a die hard OSU fan, but after being on some of the Buckeye forums such as bucknuts, buckeye planet and JJ Huddle I can easily see why people hate OSU fans. OSU fans are the most cocky mother fuckers I have seen, I love how people say "we" when referring to the football team. Im sorry do you play for that team? If not its "they" and its funny how many people seem to forget that OSU has been owned that last 2 National Championship games, but every year OSU fans run off at the mouth about how great "they" are. Its a damn game people, it has no impact on your life what so ever, if OSU loses your not going to die, if someone doesnt like "your" team your not going to die because of it.


I'd love nothing more then for everyone to be OSU fans, but thats the beauty of sports it allows you to choose who you like and to root for that team. Sports are just a release from the real world for a couple hours.


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Just after he made the comments, Palmer came out and is quoted as saying that the comments were basically all in fun, looking ahead to the upcoming USC/OSU game. There are and probably always will be ignorant fans in any sport, but what Palmer said was just plain stupid. I, like many that I know, were previously in a debate over which ohio pro football team to root for this year. After those comments, I'd have to say, Go Bucks! Go Browns! Fuck the Bengals!
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Who cares anymore he's a QB on a at best 3 and 14 team this year, and I think I am being nice saying he might win 3. He has to look back to college, because that may be the only winners he can be associated with for the up coming year. :rolleyes:
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It doesn't bother me a bit, and I LOVE both teams. He went to college at USC, I would actually question his character if he wasn't passionite about his old college team. All great NFL players have that passion, and he is a top 3 QB. CARSON PALMER FTMFW
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I am sorry - have to ask - WTF are you talking about?


I think he's referring to the Steelers (who beat Cincinnati in the playoffs that year), and intimating that they are/were, in his opinion, the worst SuperBowl champions ever.

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If it was Troy Smith talking shit about Michigan this year he'd be a home town hero for his actions......

who cares what troy smith says, hes a bench sitter thats sitting on the ravens back burner :bangbang:


im a die hard university of maryland fan but i usually pull for anyone who plays ohio state :cool:


anyway go ravens.....nfl ftw

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news flash guys. ravens are WAYYY worse than the browns, bengals and stealers

;) they had one horrible season, have a superbowl while only being a team for less then twenty years, a great defense, won the division by 6 games in 06... one bad year last year :asshole: the bengals have sucked for as long as ive been alive, the browns keep trying but cant make it anywere, i was a steelers fan before the ravens became a team.....im also an orioles fan and they do suck :(


anyway ravens> all your teams

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The ravens have an OLD defense, NO QB, NO Receivers, and a suspect O-line.











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I think he's referring to the Steelers (who beat Cincinnati in the playoffs that year), and intimating that they are/were, in his opinion, the worst SuperBowl champions ever.


Thanks for the translation but I got that much.


I was more curious as to why he feels they were the worse Super Bowl Champions ever

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