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F Carson Palmer


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Has anyone ever been to Cinnci????? All that Who Dey shit makes me want to die. I went to a few clubs and every 2 mins it was "who dey".


Don't get me started on that shit. My god thats annoying.


Still love my bengals though, win or lose damn it. As far as Carson goes he might have went a little far with his rant, but whatever. He went to USC, of course hes going to rep them, regardless of where he lives, and I would expect no less out of an OSU alum in any other state. A little shit talk never hurt no one.


Fuck michigan in the ear.

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Thanks for the translation but I got that much.


I was more curious as to why he feels they were the worse Super Bowl Champions ever



what he means is that year the steelers got SOOOOO fucking lucky to make the run they did. Each game had some crazy qirk to it. Then the superbowl was BY FAR the worst officatied game I have every saw in my life.

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what he means is that year the steelers got SOOOOO fucking lucky to make the run they did. Each game had some crazy qirk to it. Then the superbowl was BY FAR the worst officatied game I have every saw in my life.


Meh - they pounded the 3 best teams in the AFC - on the road - for the first 1/2 of each game. They should have kept the offense going but decided they could kill the clock - almost burnt them against Indy. Everyone forgets that Kitna did not have a bad game. He's no Palmer but he's no Bubby Brister or Ryan Leaf either.

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Meh - they pounded the 3 best teams in the AFC - on the road - for the first 1/2 of each game. They should have kept the offense going but decided they could kill the clock - almost burnt them against Indy. Everyone forgets that Kitna did not have a bad game. He's no Palmer but he's no Bubby Brister or Ryan Leaf either.




didn't have a bad game? are you kidding me? he was running around like an idiot, the ball just FELL out of his hands when they were in the redzone, and it was a turnover. Kitna can't throw more than 35 - 40 yards, fucking NOODLE ARM. Palmer can drop it on the receiver IN STRIDE at 60 - 65 yards. i say that's a pretty big difference, expescially condsidering that offence LIVED off the long ball, it's what opened up the dink and dunk shit.

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