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That amphib looks pretty sweet.


I don't own a plane, but I fly one of these 3-4 days a week.



Do you fly for Chautauqua? I'm going to try to get hired at PSA in a year or so. Hopefully the hiring frenzy will pick back up.

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pffft, I win.






Ok that pics not specifically me, but I flew Prowlers when I was in.


Ben - congrats on not yacking on hte T38 flight. I know how the instructors like to make their passengers lose it. FWIW I didn't yak either, although 2/3 of my class did on their first go ups. I never lost it once, and by the end of primary I had the Marine instructors taking bets on who could get me to puke without pulling a "63 Acorn".


As for the cost of general aviation, guys, dont think the big money sink comes from fuel. It comes from hanger fees and airframe and propulsion checkups, read "bend-over-and-take-its". FAA mechanic hourly rates ftl. I suggest you look into the total cost of ownership before taking the plunge. It will bleed you dry if you're not on top of it.

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That amphib looks pretty sweet.


I don't own a plane, but I fly one of these 3-4 days a week.







You get paid to fly, I pay to fly. Something is just not right about that. :(

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Austin, I haven't heard anything about the javelin replacing the T-38s, especially since we're still trying to pay for F-22s, F-35s, the new tankers, and bought a bunch of new T-6s a couple years ago. Where'd you hear that from?


I can't find where I read it (may not even be a credible source), but, I did pull this directly from ATG's website. Doesn't mention it as a T-38 replacement, but does mention it as a military trainer.



Javelin Mk-20 Military Trainer


Military training is undergoing fundamental changes. Most training systems are 25 to 40 years old and reflect an era when fighter aircraft were difficult to fly and weapons employment was relatively simple. However, the complexity of the modern battlefield and the sophisticated technology of fighter aircraft place a heavier burden on the modern fighter pilot. Aviators of the 21st century must simultaneously push the envelope, analyze real-time systems data, and rapidly make command decisions while operating under extreme stress.


Defense budgets are shrinking, making affordability crucial. Approximately 47% of the world's advanced trainer fleet is more than 20 years old. These older trainers are difficult and expensive to maintain compared to modern systems.


The Javelin Mk-20 is a result of a cooperative effort between ATG and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) to address the global need for a next generation trainer that cannot be matched. The Javelin Mk-20 is an innovative concept based on ATG's civilian two-seat Javelin jet and is optimally suited for a variety of advanced military training and support requirements.

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pffft, I win.






Ok that pics not specifically me, but I flew Prowlers when I was in.


Ben - congrats on not yacking on hte T38 flight. I know how the instructors like to make their passengers lose it. FWIW I didn't yak either, although 2/3 of my class did on their first go ups. I never lost it once, and by the end of primary I had the Marine instructors taking bets on who could get me to puke without pulling a "63 Acorn".


I almost did few times. :)



As for the cost of general aviation, guys, dont think the big money sink comes from fuel. It comes from hanger fees and airframe and propulsion checkups, read "bend-over-and-take-its". FAA mechanic hourly rates ftl. I suggest you look into the total cost of ownership before taking the plunge. It will bleed you dry if you're not on top of it.


Yep that is what I was refering to, My dad did all his work on his Cherokee, except paint, that is what he does now as a civilian, Aircraft Maintenance/Pilot. He works for a company out at Falcon Field in Phoenix, AZ that works with the forestry Service on all the Forrest fires, he flies during the day and services the planes in the evening. He goes to Cali for 2 weeks and comes home for a weekend, then back to Cali for 2 more weeks. Fires have been bad the last couple of years. It keeps him really busy.


I really regret not going into the Air Force after High School. :(

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