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Ticket Dilemma

Guest Dru Walter

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Guest Dru Walter

Yesterday, i received a ticket for what I would consider reckless driving, but the officer said he was citing me for "failure to signal". I routinely signed the citation and went on my way. However when I got home I looked at the ordinance number the cop wrote on my ticket and it didn't match, He had wrote down the code for "Failure to yield from a private drive". My court date is on August 8th.


My question is should contest the ticket? Or get a attorney? I have done some research about this and it looks like if i plead correctly I can get the entire offense removed.


Any advice?

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You all fail, the guy can't see anything else and already has an intro thread.


Hi, My name is Drew or, Dru, and I drive a POS, 99 Saturn SL1. My parents bought it for me so i can't complain. It gets me places but not in enough stye not to mention quick enough.

I have joined CR to learn more about cars and eventually how to learn how to do virtually anything to it under the hood.

I have no pictures of my car beacuse I would just be embarrassing myself.



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so you did something that you thought equates to a reckless op yet the cop maybe gave you a break for failure to signal and you have a problem with that? :confused:


Yesterday, i received a ticket for what I would consider reckless driving, but the officer said he was citing me for "failure to signal". I routinely signed the citation and went on my way. However when I got home I looked at the ordinance number the cop wrote on my ticket and it didn't match, He had wrote down the code for "Failure to yield from a private drive". My court date is on August 8th.


My question is should contest the ticket? Or get a attorney? I have done some research about this and it looks like if i plead correctly I can get the entire offense removed.


Any advice?

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You should get the best attorney you can. That ticket sounds serious. If you have to pay $500/hr + for a good attorney do it.


From first-hand experience I know the kind of insurance hikes you will experience on a 99 Saturn SL1 after a reckless op ticket. (I guess they consider them one of Saturn's "sports cars" so it really goes up!)


Good luck man.

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Guest Dru Walter
Take the ticket and stop being a pussy. Why can't people just accept they did something wrong?


Because legally i didn't do what i got cited for. and i could get off the hook. and thats better than paying a fine

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Because legally i didn't do what i got cited for. and i could get off the hook. and thats better than paying a fine

You're a little bitch. You fucked up and he's throwing you a bone. You're a worthless moron. When did they start giving such retards licenses?


I hate when people whine when they did something wrong. Take a little responsibility for your actions. Man up bitch.


My advice is to go and tell the judge what you actually did.

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