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5.8 Earthquake in LA


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You should qualify your question next time if you want a more specific answer.



...What are the things that Californians, as a population, collectively fail at? Can you site examples? Are you too dense to see that you answering my question in the way that you did was akin to me answering the question "why do you like baseball" with "KUZ ITS GOOD!@1!!"? Even though it is technically an answer insomuch that you used "because", it still doesnt give any actual information worth discussing/responding too.



Seems to be the trend around here.

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My brother lives there.. fuckers!

If I wasnt working here I would move there in a HEARTBEAT.


Also.. at least in Cali the woman take care of themselves.. unlike the obese, carefree, McDonalds eating, hey lets to go taco bell at 3am, unhealthy, never go to the gym, lets smoke a pack a day, i wanna drink till I gain 20lbs OHIO women. *sigh*

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Depends on how you look at that...More traffic, more taxes, more gays, more $ for homes, more $ for gas, more arrogant people, more fires, more quakes.......Say what you said again...huh?

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It's a breeding ground for immoral, queer, and straight liberal retards. Nuff said, if the quakes don't get it, the fires will.

There you go Hefty, Scott has the best answer. Care to answer my question yet?

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When I lived in california I went through the landers 7.3 earthquake on june 28th 1992 and was only 100 miles from the center, Growing up in california I was scared everynight as a kid of these things. I remember trying to get out of the house but could not run because how big the ground waves were, it was hard getting out and the earth quake lasted like 1:20 seconds.
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There you go Hefty, Scott has the best answer. Care to answer my question yet?



Hey, sure... Since your simple reply seems to be an admission of "hey, wait a second... I didnt know anyone on here was capable of a REAL argument... I better have my girlfriend come in here and defend me!" BTW, I find it ironic that Scott accused an entire state of people as being "immoral" in the same sentence that he insinuated his happiness at the fact that fires or earthquakes would kill millions of people.




It's easily one of the most beautiful places on the planet.


The women there put ohio women to shame in every single aspect. Every ethnic group is represented heavily... None of that Pale-skinned, Straw-haired, corn-fed bullshit.


The food culture in california is the best in the country.. organic, locally sourced ingredients absolutely everywhere, and people have a much better understanding of food in general.


It has a frillion miles of... pacific coastline? Hopefully you thick goons wont ask me to explain why this is a good thing, although it wouldn't surprise me.


72 and sunny for like... 300 days a year? As opposed to the 200 or whatever days of clouds/rain they have in ohio.


For those of you using Californias homosexual population, I remember seeing that Columbus has one of the highest homosexual populations (maybe per capita?) in the country. OHNOEZ!1!111 TEH GAYS R COMIN 2 GET MEH!1!1



Since I've typed enough here for the next two hours of you cretin's lives, I'll go to do something else... like dump all over you in other threads. (I'm really popular.)

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Hey, sure... Since your simple reply seems to be an admission of "hey, wait a second... I didnt know anyone on here was capable of a REAL argument... I better have my girlfriend come in here and defend me!" BTW, I find it ironic that Scott accused an entire state of people as being "immoral" in the same sentence that he insinuated his happiness at the fact that fires or earthquakes would kill millions of people.




It's easily one of the most beautiful places on the planet.


The women there put ohio women to shame in every single aspect. Every ethnic group is represented heavily... None of that Pale-skinned, Straw-haired, corn-fed bullshit.


The food culture in california is the best in the country.. organic, locally sourced ingredients absolutely everywhere, and people have a much better understanding of food in general.


It has a frillion miles of... pacific coastline? Hopefully you thick goons wont ask me to explain why this is a good thing, although it wouldn't surprise me.


72 and sunny for like... 300 days a year? As opposed to the 200 or whatever days of clouds/rain they have in ohio.


For those of you using Californias homosexual population, I remember seeing that Columbus has one of the highest homosexual populations (maybe per capita?) in the country. OHNOEZ!1!111 TEH GAYS R COMIN 2 GET MEH!1!1



Since I've typed enough here for the next two hours of you cretin's lives, I'll go to do something else... like dump all over you in other threads. (I'm really popular.)

I can defend myself just fine against the likes of you.


Morals are not set in stone. He believes them to be immoral, end of story there.


Great job arguing opinon on your second point. When are you going to show you're capable of a real argument. Research before you start talking about their ethnic "mixing pot".



Argument number 3, half opinion, half truth. Perhaps the portion of California that I like, is infact the part with the best food?


Wouldn't it be nice if they had more coastline?


What's wrong with rain, I dislike too much sun.


You're correct about the homosexual population but, that's not the issue.

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I can defend myself just fine against the likes of you.


Morals are not set in stone. He believes them to be immoral, end of story there.


Great job arguing opinon on your second point. When are you going to show you're capable of a real argument. Research before you start talking about their ethnic "mixing pot".



Argument number 3, half opinion, half truth. Perhaps the portion of California that I like, is infact the part with the best food?


Wouldn't it be nice if they had more coastline?


What's wrong with rain, I dislike too much sun.


You're correct about the homosexual population but, that's not the issue.




Whoops... look like somebody actually jumped in the deep end without their swimmies.



So wait... Youre defending a position that considers genocide-by-nature a good thing, and personal choices that dont affect anyone else a bad thing? Abuhhhhhhhhhh.....


You asked me to give reasons to like california... How is a diverse population of attractive females a bad thing? How is that an opinion? If youre only responding to me presenting my opinion int he same statement, I'll forgive you... I know theres probably smoke coming out of your ears at this point.


Your comments about more coastline and disliking sun are obviously filler, perhaps to give that monster cranium of yours a cool-down period after those intense bouts of sentence-composing.


The Food Culture of California is not debatable, especially not by you with me. If you'd really like me to tell you of all the reasons why that debate would be like Charles Barkley debating Golf Techniques with Tiger Woods.... Nah, it's not even worth it. You're lucky I've wasted this many words on you.

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Whoops... look like somebody actually jumped in the deep end without their swimmies.



So wait... Youre defending a position that considers genocide-by-nature a good thing, and personal choices that dont affect anyone else a bad thing? Abuhhhhhhhhhh.....


You asked me to give reasons to like california... How is a diverse population of attractive females a bad thing? How is that an opinion? If youre only responding to me presenting my opinion int he same statement, I'll forgive you... I know theres probably smoke coming out of your ears at this point.


Your comments about more coastline and disliking sun are obviously filler, perhaps to give that monster cranium of yours a cool-down period after those intense bouts of sentence-composing.


The Food Culture of California is not debatable, especially not by you with me. If you'd really like me to tell you of all the reasons why that debate would be like Charles Barkley debating Golf Techniques with Tiger Woods.... Nah, it's not even worth it. You're lucky I've wasted this many words on you.


I'm not defending anything. I think California should just break off, doesn't mean they all need to die.


Your opinion is that the females are more attractive in California. I asked you reasons for me to like California, that's not a reason. I can go down to campus and see plenty of hot women. Smoke coming out my ears why? Frustration over arguing with a intellectual midget?


Filler? I was expanding upon your point. The California coast is very nice. I think they need to have a lot more of it. What's wrong there? In what way is expressing my dislike for outrageous amounts of sunshine, filler?


Go ahead, debate me on food. I guess I've never eaten at 5 star restaurants or anything. I guess I didn't grow up in a higher class environment.


Care to try again, you have gotten nowhere. I expected more from you, I guess that was my failing.

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So while I'm trying to have a legitimate discussion to debase the "Opinion by Generalization" theory used broadly throughout this site, you're arguing into a dead-end using bad jokes and stupid statements (I dont like sunlight, they should have more coastline... Please. What is this, fifth grade?)... for what? To prove that people have opinions that are completely ridiculous? You win.... I guess?

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I don't care if my point is juvenile, I made it anyway.


If you want to have a legitimate discussion about why I dislike California, and the sun, I'd be happy to oblige.

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