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Pot dealer dies because of botched undercover deal


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holy shit I just watched that, that poor girl had no idea who she was messing with and the cops should of known she was not able to handle these type of thugs. cops are fucked up now days and willing to do anything to move up the ladder even if its putting peoples lives on the line.
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lets see bitch gets caught with drugs. doesn't want to go to jail so she becomes a rat and gets smoked for it.... if she would have just womaned up and did her time she'd be in jail, but at least she would be alive. if it was some poor kid from the trailer park/ghetto the shit wouldn't even be on the news
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terribly botched operation-yes

horrible idea to involve an informantant where there absolutly WILL be a fire arm-yes

PD trying to use her as a scape goat-yes

pot illegal-yes

x illegal-yes

selling pot illegal-yes

girl had x2 chances to keep her self out of this situation in the 1st place- yes

someone needs to get hung from the PD-yes

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Gee, you should not be using/selling drugs. We're going to be nice, and give you 1 year probration and then you can have your slate whiped clean.


*giggle* FU Guys, I'm going to sell pot, along with some other fine substances.


OH Noez, bad stuffz has happened to me. How could this have happened ?



HA HA you are fucking ignorant

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Yeah that is normal for Jones.


Chris > You




Chris has known of me for much longer than you, and has far more experience with my somewhat outlandish "straight edge" philosophy.


Besides, I'm using the gun he sold me to commit numerous felonies! Bhwahahha


































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Chris > You




Chris has known of me for much longer than you, and has far more experience with my somewhat outlandish "straight edge" philosophy.


Besides, I'm using the gun he sold me to commit numerous felonies! Bhwahahha






/me makes a clockwise circle over his face with his hand


Do you see all this caring? Would like like a tall glass of shut the fuck up? ;)

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I'm not sure why everyone is pissed at the cops here they gave the girl an out and she took it if she was slinging pot and x I'm sure she was selling other shit too you don't just decide to be a drug dealer one day it takes some time


If you read the article, it was more than pot, x and other misc. crap.

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