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Stuck up forums. (Thorne's rant)


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Bill I'm guessing your ban and the others was lifted right?


Your account has been temporarily suspended. This suspension is due to end on Sep 3 2008, 07:00 PM.




The other side of the story no matter what can't justify the ban. If you don't like Ty thats cool I think he's a very helpful guy and does allot for COS. I've done mostly troubleshooting for users. Then I did the dyno day. I brought a sponsor but they banned them for one complaint.

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Im gonna speak up about this thread.


It sucks.


Anyone, and I mean anyone, that's posts within its confines, sucks right along with it.


Err, wait a minute ...


PJE (post-joke explanation): it seems everytime I make a joke on the webz someone actually makes the mistake of taking any possible thing I say seriously. Hence the PJE mandatory disclosure. I don't really think any of you suck. You all have gigantic members. Those of you blessed with vagaries, can take comfort in knowing your loins are magnanimously fertile.

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Ty myself Draco pak and others have done runs quite a few times I did not set them up.


Ok, I see they Dyno day you guys set up as an event. A casual drive in the country side not so much.


Ty set up tons of events, but then seemed to get mad when people slowly stopped going to them.


I really liked that he was making an effort, but really just because there isn't a bit turnout to something doesn't mean the forum members think you are a second class member. It just means they don't want to go to the event.

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Based on what I just read Bill, I don't see the bannable (is that a word?) offense, but maybe there was some other stuff, I don't know, I am not on there that much.


Bill I do see on there you were told to "cut it out" with Andrew Saturn in the street racing thread and you told them "no". My guess is the ban is for constant loss of control, which you admit, you do frequently.


As for the Admins here and Mods I think we ask that Bill's ban be lifted and that Bill should use more of his time over there. :) (Now Bill, it's only a joke ok?)

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Despite what you have said in this thread I feel I overreacted by banning you. I lifted your ban. Ty, yes, his ban stands for now.


Man, you piss me off sometimes, and that's a hard thing to do. This is the forth time you have set me up to ban you and each time a stepped away from it. You know this to be true. It was the summation of those events that caused me to ban you, and not this incident.


Consider this an apology, but for the love of god calm down man. Life is too short.

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Ok, I see they Dyno day you guys set up as an event. A casual drive in the country side not so much.


Ty set up tons of events, but then seemed to get mad when people slowly stopped going to them.


I really liked that he was making an effort, but really just because there isn't a bit turnout to something doesn't mean the forum members think you are a second class member. It just means they don't want to go to the event.



Blah, Blah, Blah you still cant read.


What did Thorne or Ty do that constituted a ban. Let alone Banning a Sponsor over some bogus shit.


If there is something missing that the other side has stated was a violation then what was it. Were they banned cause they stated a opinion in what seemed like a very nice way.


You said there are two sides to the story then what is the other side.

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Based on what I just read Bill, I don't see the bannable (is that a word?) offense, but maybe there was some other stuff, I don't know, I am not on there that much.


Bill I do see on there you were told to "cut it out" with Andrew Saturn in the street racing thread and you told them "no". My guess is the ban is for constant loss of control, which you admit, you do frequently.


As for the Admins here and Mods I think we ask that Bill's ban be lifted and that Bill should use more of his time over there. :) (Now Bill, it's only a joke ok?)


Tehehe I did cut it out though on saturn, I spoke in PM's I shoudl have prolly edited that thread but for the most part I try and be good on cause because its a "family" orriented site.


I've tried to be good honestly but I did totaly agree with Ty. I've said a few things on occasions to piss off a fewpeople, Ehh comes with the internet.

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Despite what you have said in this thread I feel I overreacted by banning you. I lifted your ban. Ty, yes, his ban stands for now.


Man, you piss me off sometimes, and that's a hard thing to do. This is the forth time you have set me up to ban you and each time a stepped away from it. You know this to be true. It was the summation of those events that caused me to ban you, and not this incident.


Consider this an apology, but for the love of god calm down man. Life is too short.


I understand I do push the limits sometimes, But everytime I've been asked to be good when I've crossed the line I've complied. It's hard to know were the line is when you come from CR.


I hope you reconsider unbanning ty, Or atleast speak with him.

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Blah, Blah, Blah you still cant read.


What did Thorne or Ty do that constituted a ban. Let alone Banning a Sponsor over some bogus shit.


If there is something missing that the other side has stated was a violation then what was it. Were they banned cause they stated a opinion in what seemed like a very nice way.


You said there are two sides to the story then what is the other side.


Nate can explain himself if he feels the need. I am not going to since I really have no say in the matter.

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I'll certainly think about Ty.


I'm not sure what it is with him. It's like he has a victim complex.


I do see "cliques" on COS, but it's not done intentionally. If you have been friends longer with someone, you naturally want to spend more time with them. Additionally, I think another cause might be that some people only like doing certain things.


For example, I've gone out to MOMO's probably three times, but it's not for everyone. I went out to Polaris once (before all the excitement happened), and I knew right away I didn't want to be part of that.


COS is a very diverse group. So that might be another reason. I don't know. We do make an effort to make new members feel welcome.


One last thing, we didn't ban a sponsor. We simply decided that we didn't want to do business with them anymore. I wish them good luck, but they are not the sponsor for us.


Take care now. :)



Slow ass ninja edit. I still don't like it, it seems french. :p

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It's hard to know were the line is when you come from CR.


smartest thing thorne has ever said, seriously.


I do see "clicks" on COS...


But it had become kinda clicky...


Godammit people, its "cliques". cliques! a "clique" is a small, exclusive group of people. a "click" is what happens right after a "point".



edit: dammit, ant. you beat me by 6 minutes, you bastard.

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