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Third World War?


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If you personally aren't fighting it, why do you care? You won't be balls deep in a firefight. The "people" elect those in power to make those decisions, not average joes.


This is what kills me, people are actually lazy and ignorant enough to think like this... Let me remind you that YOU HAVE (among many other liberties):


The right to vote.

The right to free speech.

The right to bear arms.


When people think like you do and forget this is when we become "average joes". We don't need a Department of Homeland Security, we don't need the War on Terror, we don't need half the beaurocracy and bullshit that corrupt politicians have enslaved us in.


The most power force in the U.S. is a well informed public. If people would stop worrying about the Superbowl and start giving a fuck what happend in this country, we would be so much better off.

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This is what kills me, people are actually lazy and ignorant enough to think like this... Let me remind you that YOU HAVE (among many other liberties):


The right to vote.

The right to free speech.

The right to bear arms.


When people think like you do and forget this is when we become "average joes". We don't need a Department of Homeland Security, we don't need the War on Terror, we don't need half the beaurocracy and bullshit that corrupt politicians have enslaved us in.


The most power force in the U.S. is a well informed public. If people would stop worrying about the Superbowl and start giving a fuck what happend in this country, we would be so much better off.


Ron Paul Revolution right?

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This is what kills me, people are actually lazy and ignorant enough to think like this... Let me remind you that YOU HAVE (among many other liberties):


The right to vote.

The right to free speech.

The right to bear arms.


When people think like you do and forget this is when we become "average joes". We don't need a Department of Homeland Security, we don't need the War on Terror, we don't need half the beaurocracy and bullshit that corrupt politicians have enslaved us in.


The most power force in the U.S. is a well informed public. If people would stop worrying about the Superbowl and start giving a fuck what happend in this country, we would be so much better off.

Yes you have those liberties to a point, just like everything. Your right to speech and bear arms are somewhat limited though. Again, you can't scream fire in a crowded movie theater without consequneces, nor can you go out and buy a M249 belt fed light machine gun without a special permit. Tell me why we shouldn't have a Department of Homeland Security? No war on terror, sure we can let Al-Qaeda and everyone else do as they please without consequences too. Guess we could go back to Isolationism, but that'll bite us in the ass.


I'll say the people's voice is strong, but at the same time, this is why you elect representatives. You vote on certain things, not everything. Welcome to democracy. There are many things I'd love to change, hell maybe we need another Revolution, but this is what we got, so love it or leave it. If you feel so strongly, then run for office, get into politics.

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I think I'm going to run for office under the ideals of Parti Citron, albeit slightly modified.

My policies and platforms:

- Restructure America's economy to be centered on lemon production

- Support global warming so lemons can be grown in Ohio

- Abolish Michigan

- Repeal the law of gravity

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This is what kills me, people are actually lazy and ignorant enough to think like this... Let me remind you that YOU HAVE (among many other liberties):


The right to vote.

The right to free speech.

The right to bear arms.


When people think like you do and forget this is when we become "average joes". We don't need a Department of Homeland Security, we don't need the War on Terror, we don't need half the beaurocracy and bullshit that corrupt politicians have enslaved us in.


The most power force in the U.S. is a well informed public. If people would stop worrying about the Superbowl and start giving a fuck what happend in this country, we would be so much better off.

So tell me, exactly what does the Dept. of Homeland Security do?

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There's other branches off of Homeland security, like the guys that secure nuclear power plants too. ;)

And FEMA, and a ton of other things. The name is very misleading. I can provide more information for anyone who would like it.

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Good job, I'm not reading it though. I'll allow Sweet8 to read it. If he has more questions, I'd be happy to answer them.


Don't need to read anymore propaganda. What exactly is the DHS doing to secure anything?

Securing their bloated budget by wasting money?

Promote a false sense of fear in the public, OMG Terrorists?

Setting up checkpoints to harrass law abiding citizens?


FEMA, give me a fucking break... Hurricane Katrina is my answer to that joke.


We can go ahead and quit talking about Al-Qaeda, there is public record of the U.S. funding this organization - lets just quit acting like this enemy we've created is an acutal threat to our society.

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Don't need to read anymore propaganda. What exactly is the DHS doing to secure anything?

Securing their bloated budget by wasting money?

Promote a false sense of fear in the public, OMG Terrorists?

Setting up checkpoints to harrass law abiding citizens?


FEMA, give me a fucking break... Hurricane Katrina is my answer to that joke.


We can go ahead and quit talking about Al-Qaeda, there is public record of the U.S. funding this organization - lets just quit acting like this enemy we've created is an acutal threat to our society.


You're quite paranoid...next you'll be telling me the only reason we went to Iraq was because we finally found out where the Eldridge went during the Philadelphia Experiment, and we had to cover our tracks. You're partially correct, in my opinion, but a touch paranoid and mad to boot.

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Don't need to read anymore propaganda. What exactly is the DHS doing to secure anything?

Securing their bloated budget by wasting money?

Promote a false sense of fear in the public, OMG Terrorists?

Setting up checkpoints to harrass law abiding citizens?


FEMA, give me a fucking break... Hurricane Katrina is my answer to that joke.


We can go ahead and quit talking about Al-Qaeda, there is public record of the U.S. funding this organization - lets just quit acting like this enemy we've created is an acutal threat to our society.

You're making yourself look stupid. You still have no idea what the Dept. even is or what they do.

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The DHS can be only compared to the SS (Hitler's special security), don't think so?


The Patriot Act dissolved the following American constitutional protections:


Free expression of opinion

Freedom of the press

Right of assembly and association

Right to privacy of postal and electronic communications

Protection against unlawful searches and seizures

Individual property rights

States' right of self-government


Presidential decrees make it possible for military forces to be used to monitor and control the civilian population, in violation of the "posse comitatus" act.

The Reichstag Fire Syndrome (The Reichstag Fire was Germany's 9/11) occurs whenever a democracy is destroyed by creating a law-and-order crisis and offering as a "solution" the abdication of civil liberties and state's rights to a powerful but unaccountable central dictator. And essencially set up the DHS to be created...


Our founding fathers tried to protect us, but we are too ignorant to keep our freedom. I guess in the end its up to everyone to do their own research. I do mine in history rather than .gov websites.

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