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Ocho Cinco > *


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why would you change your last name to ocho cinco regardless of what # you are. just as stupid as the kid in ^^^ sig.


Not as stupid as not reading the whole page:



From a business standpoint, this might be Chad’s way of picking up some of the extra cash that he wants to make but that the team has said it won’t give him. The jersey would instantly become one of the NFL’s top sellers, and NFL players get a cut of all sales of their jerseys.
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Not as stupid as not reading the whole page:


I read the whole page. And I know damn well that man is already making plenty of damn money. This is just a stupid fucking thing to do and the Chad Johnson is a fucking tool for it. If he wants to put stupid shit on his jersey he can try to start the XFL back up and join it.



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If the Bengals actually were winning I could see Chad being this way, but since they don't he is being nothing more than an ass. I would love to see this go through then his ass get traded to a team with 85 already taken, why is it the WR's in the league always do stupid shit on and off the field?



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