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Paul (04srturbo).. seriously!!!!!

V8 Beast

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If your posts were real life conversations your speech would be comparible to a person that spent three hours licking on a novocain lollipop.




This message was brought to you by the mods on the board that contemplate banning you every time you type :p

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Seriously Paul, its really starting to get out of hand.


Now I know what you are going to say next, something probably along the lines of:


"lol wut evr gaiz im on my sidekikk and i r too lzy tu go baack and fix stuf"


Please, for the love of God, and the members of this forum, don't post here ever again with anything but a real fucking keyboard. Make sure you are not wearing boxing gloves while using it, either.

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Can someone direct me to his nearest horrible post? i need a good laugh.


Go this way...


any one know the tech rules about nitrous? a ugh friend of mine wants to know about where is has to be located if theres any restriction ? blowdown tube location?


thanks guys


Hol o sexy leme know if u find it hate to spend another $ on this dam set up I mean my friends set up..


Andrew its nos kit too haah nawwwwwzzzzzzzzzz



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Oh holy cow, this thread is hilarious! I think I mentioned something to him about it on some bike night and his response was something about, 'I swing from my own nuts' which I really don't understand so I shut up about it......
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So, I had my FUCKING POST DELETED AGAIN!? I suggest whoever's responsible either pm me or reply here. Seriously. I don't give two fucks and a shit how inane my post was considering the thread and it's location. Until I hear a worthy explanation,




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Pssssst, I didn't delete your first post, but I know who did and the reason. :)

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hmmm two words for you all fuck off, if you dont like reading my posts theres that lovely button that the mods gave us called ignore

























j ack





read that assholes

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so i want to give a shout out too all the people on the fuck off list in this thread


the one and only brian carter put your helmet back on

pat go get a fucking car and actually put it together so you can enjoy it


branden new guy ahhh your new ill be nice


scott go grow back your dam muttet

ben bring your little scoobie out so i can finally walk your shit since you always called me out last year but neverrrrrr seeemed to come out to walk me..... yea :jerkit:


ananda your new too so ill be nice

axel fuck off just cause i havent batteled with you in like a year

buck shut up


hal o sexy well your first post was nice your second was still nice compared to how we used to be so you can stay, and yea your new name makes no sense

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so i want to give a shout out too all the people on the fuck off list in this thread


the one and only brian carter put your helmet back on

pat go get a fucking car and actually put it together so you can enjoy it


branden new guy ahhh your new ill be nice


scott go grow back your dam muttet

ben bring your little scoobie out so i want finaly walk your shit since you always called me out last year but neverrrrrr seeemed to come out to walk me..... yea :jerkit:


ananda your new too so ill be nice

axel fuck off just cause i havent batteled with you in like a year

buck shut up


hal o sexy well your first post was nice your second was still nice compared to how we used to be so you can stay, and yea your new name makes no sense




Notice that this is the jumbo bottle.

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Pssssst, I didn't delete your first post, but I know who did and the reason. :)


Well, I will say I don't usually get upset about the internets. And, looking back, I should've controlled my temper a bit more. However, I still feel the same way and it's too bad with all "manliness" around here, someone can't take two seconds and a bit of courtesy to man up instead of hiding behind their mod status.


Since you seem to be the only one who has a bit of insight, maybe you can tell me what their reasoning is? I'm sure I can figure it out, it's just the principal of the matter. I don't expect you to tell me who, though. Feel free to pm me. I wouldn't want to be "off topic" in a kitchen thread. :rolleyes:

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