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Wanted-Fuel Tank for paint practice


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Anyone have an old fuel tank lying around that they may want painted free?

I am getting ready to strip down my bike to paint it, and wouldn't mind practicing a bit, so you let me use your tank and get a free paint job out of it.

It would be painted black unless you want to buy the paint. I'm getting ready to get the gear to do this up, and would just feel more comfortable if I could practice before I take my bike apart.

I'm pretty comfortable painting, as I do have some artistic skills( I work as a graphic designer and majored in fine art in college). There is no doubt in my mind that the tank will come back pristine, I'm just a boy scout and always start a project well prepared and want the practice.

I would also be willing to incorporate some simple graphics( no high detail flaming skulls or anything, I don't airbrush), maybe some simple flames or tribal if that floats your boat.

Hit me up if you're into this, I would like to do it sometime in February.


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Text would be fine, I work at a sign shop and have access to all kinds of neat stuff that I can use for templates. Must painters cut out stencils in vinyl to paint, so that's what I would do. PM me with some info, I won't be ready for a few weeks, I want to build some stands so I can rotate the tank like a spit for full coverage.

Is the tank bare, or is it painted already? If so do you happen to know what type of paint? Lacquer? Urethane? Enamel? If

I plan on using lacquer. If it is not already lacquer, it will need to be stripped completely.

Let me some info if possible, at minimum make model and paint code so I can do some research.

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