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How bad is the economy????


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The government does not lend or create money. The money created by the federal reserve is loaned to the USA at interest. Central banking is the root cause of the problems that we have now.


The central banking was the root cause of the revolutionary war. Another revolutionary war may be needed to correct the problems we have now. I hope not, but history repeats itself.


Doc, you are correct once again. You look at every prosperous time in any country, it was when the government had the power to print money... Right now the FED has the power, do the math...

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There have always been problems with the economy (for some reason or another) and it's merely a symptom of a problem farther up stream. Look at the factors that actually create productivity for the country and you will find out where the problems come from (aside from mismanagement which is outside the scope of the current federal administration). Can we keep getting oil (or an equivalent form of energy?) How much will it cost? Can we keep growing food? How much will that cost? Can we keep importing goods from countries that provide very cheap resources (exploitation, for lack of a better word?) Dramatic changes to one or more of these things will be the actual factor that causes a shift in the American standard of living.


Just because some houses didn't get bought up last year, and the goverment lost some money on a silly little war the year before that, you think that will really destroy our nation? Start thinking critically about our 'problems', doomsday prognosticators have never been right yet.

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Just because some houses didn't get bought up last year, and the goverment lost some money on a silly little war the year before that, you think that will really destroy our nation? Start thinking critically about our 'problems', doomsday prognosticators have never been right yet.

It is not nearly as simple as that. The things that have contributed to our current economic state have been going on for decades. The root of the problem lies much further back in history, some would say right around the time you were born. Others may make the case that it began with Vietnam.

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Just because my pimp game contributed to your mom being out of work, doesn't mean I am bringing down the entire global economy. You fail at macroeconomics.



You should have been a better pimp, your prices were not in line with inflation causing my mom to switch her employment sector. You sir fail at pimpanomics.

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No those are called Elected Officials. State employment implies 3 overpaid and underskilled supervisors for every one working employee.


This includes the feds as well...

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By donating my car you actually increased the debt... I dont know how but it has a negative impact on anything it comes in contact with.


Since you don't have a car the only other option is to be whored by America. Be prepared to have sex with fat hairy foreigners in the name of American pride and debt relief!!!!

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Since you don't have a car the only other option is to be whored by America. Be prepared to have sex with fat hairy foreigners in the name of American pride and debt relief!!!!



As long as they are not French or Canadian... A combination of both is even worse.

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YES +1


I haven't paid SS in 11 years. :)


I hope your keeping your payments in gold bullion or silver bars. Have fun trying to get your money out of "defunct" banks that the FDIC or federales can't insure.


It doesn't look good in terms of the central banking system in general....your right. The sad thing is people don't see what is really happening. Most only see what's in front of them. Banks have been hedging their bets, thinking that the rules of economics somehow don't play a part.


The economy.......economy isn't great, but it could be worse. I'm worried about the monetary system.

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Back when we had no measures to protect us, yes. This shit isn't supposed to happen now.


To say what is going to happen now is going to be worse than the depression of 79-82 is a big stretch..


When we see inflation hit 18%, prime rate hit 21% and 46 banks fail between now and Jan 1 2009, then I will worry...


You think the housing market is slow now... look around on the county auditors website and see how many new homes were built in 1979 and sat empty until 1982, you will find a great surprise

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