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Obama not eligible for nomination


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You don't even need to raise taxes. We have tons of tax income, but we spend way too much. Simply do huge cuts on a lot of social programs, stop giving handouts to coroporations, and that alone will put us well into the black, and help pay back some of this money. Paying more taxes is NOT the solution (because come dumbass will just find ways to blow that money too). Cutting back the gov't WILL help.

Excellent point, spending recklessly is an equaal culprit. But, this part is incorrect:

and that alone will put us well into the black, and help pay back some of this money
Not even close, you overestimate the amount of money we spend on domestic programs. Do you have any idea how much money we've spent on Iraq? Never mind the approved funds, our spending goes well beyond that.
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this thread makes me LOL. do you guys really really think obama would have made it this far if he wasnt able to be elected? seriously?


agreed 100%

my view, which was open going into this campaigning season, is that Obama will drive us further into socialism. He seems to want to control everything. The change he is talking about is not good for our future.

Yes increasing taxes would help, but is that really the answer? Lowering funds for programs would also help, but also is that the answer? Its all about what funds you drop, what taxes you raise, and when you do it. Also about what and when you can drop taxes and raise funds for programs. This is going to take a lot longer than one presidential term, maybe even longer than two terms... A lot can happen right away though. If McCain is elected, and he cuts off funds for ridiculous government studies on things that are silly, like studying bear poop to see what they eat in different parts of Yellow Stone National Park, than maybe we can see a difference right away. *Maybe*... Nothing will show right away, but something needs to change. I am all for cutting off the funds for government studies that are not prosperous to our country, especially in times like these. And i am really for cutting the wages/raises that these government officials receive, that aren't doing anything to progress the nation. Cut the dead weight loose.

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Guest tbutera2112
Two questions:


what law says i have to pay income taxes?


how much money did the government spend sending out notices about your tax stimulus check? you know that delicious $600 this year.


edit:fixed for income tax



next time you jump on the michael moore band wagon, i would definately suggest touching up on your arguments... there is in fact a law that says you have to pay income tax. the argument is that the law is unconstitutional and that nowhere in the constitution does it say you have to pay income taxes, not that there is no law for it. i see nothing wrong with the income tax, whether its in the constitution or not....if you stop paying it, you are breaking a law that is spelled out plain as day, you will be in trouble for it. then you just have to convince the supreme court that the law is unconstitutional...goodluck




its right in the US Code, Title 26

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well i mean ive seen about 3 or 4 documentary movies now that hit that little thing and then never really go into any detail...


but seriously i heard an insane amount of money was spent to send out those stimulus checks and the notices about the checks. Those type of things just blow me away, among others...

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Guest tbutera2112
The Constitution says nothing about speed limits, do I get all of my ticket money back?

thats exactly my point... just because its not in the constitution doesnt mean you dont have to obey the laws...i laugh at people who stop paying taxes because michael moore told them to and then they end up in jail

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You don't actually have to pay income tax (it may be just state, I'd need to check). I can't remember where the case law is right now. If you don't pay taxes, you give up pretty much anything the government does to help us (police, fire, ems).
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thats exactly my point... just because its not in the constitution doesnt mean you dont have to obey the laws...i laugh at people who stop paying taxes because michael moore told them to and then they end up in jail

Unless you vote for Ron Paul.



*puts flame suit on*

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they mailed me a notice that stimulus checks will be given out, and i wasnt even eligible...

thats has to do with my point. why the F would we spend so much damn money on paper, mailing shit out if it costs so damn much. they could have stimulated the economy by just saying "we will not spend a bazillion dollars" on paper and stamps...

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Just to let you all know, Income Tax is used to pay "The Fed" interest on the money they print. We, the United States as it is written in the constitution, have the right to print money w/o being taxed on it, Abe Lincoln (with his greenbacks) and JFK both tried (both where shot in the head too!).


I can't remember the exact verbage in the constitution but it says something about not being taxed on the money recieved from primary sources of income. I'll find that snip-it soon.


Those two reasons are basically why income tax is unconsitutional.


P.S. I didn't think Micheal Moore put that video out, I thought it was some other producer.

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