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My friday night fun


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Yes, i'll take what comes my way, it sucks but oh well. I still dont know where the hell he came from, as i cruised down 16 westbound to check the road out before i got off on church. Like drew said, It was a very well lit area, at least for a 4 lane divided highway at 1 am. The only reason i didn't see i'm guessing is the shadows from the overpass he was hiding behind, only thing i could think of. regardless, it was and still is the best area around here to hop on it from time to time, 2+ miles straight shot, no bumps, no worrys about pedistrians, and you can see traffic coming and going so 0 surprises.


On the running deal, pick and choose i guess. i can't say i advocate it really anymore, but i'm getting older lol. Add slicks and skinnys and it's a no go. I made the right choice, maybe i'll be able to ask for a reduced charge, or go to a driving school to keep some points off, but it really doesn't matter, these 4+ pts plus the 2 burnout tickets i got at mopar, on top of i think 10 pts from some random bullshit, and i'll be taking my nikes out for a spin lol. And yes my record is rough lol, but its quite alot of seatbelt, plates, equipment vio's, burnouts, and other piddley shit, i think i have 1 maybe 2 accidents/crases in 12+ years, none my fault.


So thats whats up. and i'm so pissed i'm getting drunk.....weeee

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most central ohio depts can't chase in residential areas at 2x the limit, unless its a felony pursuit. But see how many times an officer will give up and let you go. just stop and take the ticket. Josh knows whats up with my stance on the issue in the past lol, but over a traffic offense really aint worth sittin in the clink.
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