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If I have to see this gay ass Scion commercial again I'm going to break something


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united by individuality my dick.

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What's really sad is that the Tc, like the Civic, is actually a pretty nice little commuter. It just gets fucked over because of the ricer obsession. Although Honda never out-and-out marketed directly to the ricers...at least, not until the latest Civic. That thing is just ugly.
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First time I saw that commercial I was extecting him to shout out "Can You Dig It?" If you want a good chuckle, read the fine print at the bottom of the screen. It basicly says "If you mod your car like this, you can go pound sand on any warranty work."
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First time I saw that commercial I was extecting him to shout out "Can You Dig It?" If you want a good chuckle, read the fine print at the bottom of the screen. It basicly says "If you mod your car like this, you can go pound sand on any warranty work."





:lol::lol: pos rep for you

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I don't watch commercials; I fast forward through them. :)


Yeah I have one of those too. But what do you do when watching live tv? Pause at commercials and stare at the tv for 4 minutes then fast forward through the commercials?

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I've got another commercial that should be taken off the air, the copies burned, and the people in it shot..







What a freakin tool they cast as the spokesman. Is he famous? I don't know. But whenever I see his drugged-out, droopy-eyed face on TV I have this irrational urge to hit him with a breaker bar. He makes the product sound like it's for erectile disfunction. When I first saw it, I thought it was a joke! Really, the commercial, and him in particular, makes me want to stay as far away from this stuff as possible. (not that I'd ever put f'n snake oil in my cars...)

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