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McCain's VP is............


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Ugh she wants (or at least wanted in '06) CREATIONISM taught in schools alongside evolution:




Didn't realize people still believed in that... /ducks.


What's wrong with teaching creationism? Its just another theory like evolution, big bang, etc. Nobody knows. That's why they're theories.


The majority of the country is religious in one way or another. One nation under God, remember?

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Lame????? Obama accepting the Democratic nomination on the anniversary of Dr. King's "Dream" speech was lame. Obama constantly preaching change, then picking an old white guy as his VP was lame. Not being able to give a speech without saying "uhm" and "uh" unless reading from a teleprompter is lame. I made fun of Bush for being an idiot because he could give a speech to save his life. No Obama speaks the same way, and everything thinks he's brilliant.


I'm not a huge McCain fan. I wanted Paul in office. But I've been reading about Palin the last six months or so and have to say if she'd ran for President I would've voted for her.



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Lame????? Obama accepting the Democratic nomination on the anniversary of Dr. King's "Dream" speech was lame. Obama constantly preaching change, then picking an old white guy as his VP was lame. Not being able to give a speech without saying "uhm" and "uh" unless reading from a teleprompter is lame. I made fun of Bush for being an idiot because he could give a speech to save his life. No Obama speaks the same way, and everything thinks he's brilliant.


I'm not a huge McCain fan. I wanted Paul in office. But I've been reading about Palin the last six months or so and have to say if she'd ran for President I would've voted for her.


Lame, these are all political stunts. You talk as if I back Obama... If it comes from a bulls ass there's a good chance it's bullshit. Obama is making a campaign hoping for votes based on his color, and now McCain picks a female VP so that he can squeeze his names back in the headlines. I bet it hurt for him to see Obama on the tv 24/7 so he came up with his own attention getter.. threads like this prove it's working.

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Lame, these are all political stunts. You talk as if I back Obama... If it comes from a bulls ass there's a good chance it's bullshit. Obama is making a campaign hoping for votes based on his color, and now McCain picks a female VP so that he can squeeze his names back in the headlines. I bet it hurt for him to see Obama on the tv 24/7 so he came up with his own attention getter.. threads like this prove it's working.



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Like her or not, Condi would have brought something to the table that no one else in the election comes close to offering....


Foreign Policy

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Ugh she wants (or at least wanted in '06) CREATIONISM taught in schools alongside evolution:




Didn't realize people still believed in that... /ducks.


Creationism is still a valid theory. It isn't necessarily religious, although that is bound to be how the people take it....

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