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McCain's VP is............


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IMHO, it would be pure ignorance to create a list of dislikes without ALSO creating a list of likes.


Should everyone dislike you becasue somebody created a list of 4 things?


Let's see:


Why to dislike Thorne: You need reasons since when?

1. Doesn't wear the proper gear on a motorcycle.

- I've always warn Gloves/helment/jackets but yes I could use more

2. Doesn't have a truck to take his bike to the strip.

- True true

3. Doesn't know how to launch a bike.

- Because its serious bizzness


4. Asks for help to pick out riding boots.

- Because I was unsure


I'm sure there's more.


I'm not trying to take up for Sara or her daughter or their privacy - but if you want to be fair about this and not look like a total asshat, think about what you are actually doing by repeating shit you hear on FoxNews.


I guess maybe we should create a list of dislikes for all the candidates and pick the one who seems less bad... How the fuck will that get this country anywhere further along down the road?

I'll be fair



Why I dislike obama.

1. Guns Guns Guns

2. Biden

3. Concerned about taxes but I could be wrong on this one

4. Guns

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3. Concerned about taxes but I could be wrong on this one

Nothing wrong with being concerned, though you've got some reading to do. ;) You're tax situation would be helped under his policies.... unless you make allot more money than I'm assuming. lol



humor me: What is it that you know about his gun policy, and where did you get the info?


Everyone seems to think that he's out to steal their weapons, who said this?

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Nothing wrong with being concerned, though you've got some reading to do. ;) You're tax situation would be helped under his policies.... unless you make allot more money than I'm assuming. lol



humor me: What is it that you know about his gun policy, and where did you get the info?


Everyone seems to think that he's out to steal their weapons, who said this?


Curious to see replies to this....^^^^

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Nothing wrong with being concerned, though you've got some reading to do. ;) You're tax situation would be helped under his policies.... unless you make allot more money than I'm assuming. lol



humor me: What is it that you know about his gun policy, and where did you get the info?


Everyone seems to think that he's out to steal their weapons, who said this?


Since people I work with do frequent here I can't say what I make. but if 80k is the cutoff per household I'm in trouble

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Me to. lol


But to put it bluntly; who cares? The ultimate reply to everyone saying "He wunt to take are gunz!" is "Wow, good thing he can't do that."


I disagree with some of his positions on gun control, but I don't really care about that particular issue because it is beyond the power of president to do anything on that subject on his own.

Two stupid things that people allow to influence their vote:


-Gun rights


The president cannot do squat about those without congress. All he does is sign or veto what lands on his desk.

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Me to. lol


But to put it bluntly; who cares? The ultimate reply to everyone saying "He wunt to take are gunz!" is "Wow, good thing he can't do that."


I disagree with some of his positions on gun control, but I don't really care about that particular issue because it is beyond the power of president to do anything on that subject on his own.

Two stupid things that people allow to influence their vote:


-Gun rights


The president can do squat about those without congress. All he does is sign or veto what lands on his desk.


Busher said he would sign an AWB if it landed on his desk. It is up to us as gun owners to prevent bills like this from getting to the President.

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The tax information a little bit clear for you all:




Q: Senator Obama, would you take the same pledge? No tax increases on people under $250,000?


OBAMA: I not only have pledged not to raise their taxes, I've been the first candidate in this race to specifically say I would cut their taxes. We are going to offset the payroll tax, the most regressive of our taxes, so that families who are middle-income individuals making $75,000 a year or less, that they would get a tax break so that families would see up to $1,000 worth of relief.


-2008 Philadelphia primary debate, on eve of PA primary

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That doesn't jive, I think the confusion is the wording:

"so thatfamilies who are middle-income individuals making $75,000 a year or less..."

What is it, families or individuals? The number I'd seen for the offset payroll tax that I remember was $250k/yr household, and it was from June 2008.


The biggest change being that, of the households making 250k (taxable) or more that pay the new tax, they will pay it on the whole of their income, not just the first $102k'ish of it.


Edit: backup

The 6.2% payroll tax is now applied to all wages up to $102,000 a year, which covers the entire amount for most Americans. Under Obama’s plan, the tax would not apply to wages between that amount and $250,000. But all annual salaries above the quarter-million-dollar amount would be taxed under his plan, Obama said.

The presidential candidate told senior citizens in Ohio that it is unfair for middle-class earners to pay the Social Security tax “on every dime they make,” while millionaires and billionaires pay it on only “a very small percentage of their income.”

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Edit: backup


That is PURE socialistic redistribution. The earners above $250k do NOT receive any of those benefits, yet they will be footing 100% of the bill... no way in hell would I ever support something like that. Every American should do their fair share to receive their fair share.

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I personally think we should all pay thme same percent be it 20% what ever we should all ahve to. So don't bitch if you make 200K don't bitch of you make nothing.


I get pissed everytime I think about the fact I pay more in taxes then my wife brings home.


The wealthy receive many breaks that help offset there taxes. If I have to pay X% you should to and it seems to work out that the higher brackets pay less because of advantages in place.

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No, it's called paying your fucking taxes. Make more = pay more. What you reap from the country should be proportional to what you have to sew.

No it is fucking not... paying taxes to cover a program that you will NEVER benefit from and the people benefitting from it have paidway less into... how the fuck is that proportional? Explain it, I am waiting...


Am I miss understanding this?

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Am I miss understanding this?

Yes, you're missing the part where he's making allot of money off of being a US citizen. You're also missing the fact that we all pay into programs that we don't use. Freedom aint free, you pay to play. ;)


Explain to me why I should loose a larger chunk of my smaller pie than some goon with 8 houses? Don't give me that "trickle down" crap, it hasn't worked yet.


You're confusing Socialism with Society. "Every Man For Himself" is called anarchy, tell me how that's going to work out.

There is also the history repeating fact that no one "climbs" their way to the top. The amount of wealth in the world is essentially static, the only way up is to push others down. Period. Every society denies it until something snaps and every wakes up.... a bit too late.


I get pissed when I think about people like my brother paying < 1000 all year in taxes and getting a tax return of > 4000 because of 2 kids and a pos wife that "WON'T" !!! work.



That is the other end of the problem. There are people on both ends of the spectrum that are exploiting the system.

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Thats right.



Yes, you're missing the part where he's making allot of money off of being a US citizen. You're also missing the fact that we all pay into programs that we don't use. Freedom aint free, you pay to play. ;)


Explain to me why I should loose a larger chunk of my smaller pie than some goon with 8 houses? Don't give me that "trickle down" crap, it hasn't worked yet.


You're confusing Socialism with Society. "Every Man For Himself" is called anarchy, tell me how that's going to work out.

There is also the history repeating fact that no one "climbs" their way to the top. The amount of wealth in the world is essentially static, the only way up is to push others down. Period. Every society denies it until something snaps and every wakes up.... a bit too late.



That is the other end of the problem. There are people on both ends of the spectrum that are exploiting the system.

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Yes, you're missing the part where he's making allot of money off of being a US citizen. You're also missing the fact that we all pay into programs that we don't use. Freedom aint free, you pay to play. ;)


Explain to me why I should loose a larger chunk of my smaller pie than some goon with 8 houses? Don't give me that "trickle down" crap, it hasn't worked yet.


You're confusing Socialism with Society. "Every Man For Himself" is called anarchy, tell me how that's going to work out.

There is also the history repeating fact that no one "climbs" their way to the top. The amount of wealth in the world is essentially static, the only way up is to push others down. Period. Every society denies it until something snaps and every wakes up.... a bit too late.



That is the other end of the problem. There are people on both ends of the spectrum that are exploiting the system.

It's called, they are already paying a higher percentage and a higher amount and getting 0 return. Why should they 100% fund a program for people who are less successful to mooch off of? That is NOT capitalism.

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Thought: Some things you just can't compare to another....either because they are totally diff (apples to oranges) or one is in a different league than another....


Question: How on Earth can the Republicans be comparing Sarah Palin's accomplishments to Obama's.....seriously?


C'mon....whether you like Obama or not, there is no way in hell you or anyone can say she's more accomplished. She not even on Billary's level. Heck, you can't compare her to Biden. Honestly, I think McCain realized he needed the extra edge to get this election because it truly is going to be a close race, so he picked this chic to get the female vote...cause I notice the use of Billary's "18 million cracks in the ceiling" towards the females in the audience. I find it amazing that Bush got some much appreciation from the crowd lastnight....I wonder who all those people blame for the way things have been in the economy.

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