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McCain's VP is............


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Does Putty actually stop to think before pounding on the keyboard. Your reality and perception of events is different from other people. You are aware of this right?

Though I wont disagree with this fundementally (:p), I will disagree in this case.

She did all of her great magics in tiny towns and in a piss-ant state.

-The entire state of Alasaka has 100,000 fewer citizens than the city of Columbus.

-The state has a proportionally huge budget (yay oil) that was being used for allot of crap, lots of fat to trim.

-A great deal of the state is populated by self sufficient people who never use governement resources.

-Its got two "major" cities and one major highway.


Point: It wasn't hard to be a hardcore reformer in such a weaksauce state.


She played in the little leagues and won, which can't be compared to big league acomplishments.

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Does Putty actually stop to think before pounding on the keyboard. Your reality and perception of events is different from other people. You are aware of this right?



No, I am not aware...Don't we all think alike? I don't pound on keyboard...I one finger peck it, if you must know. However, I do esteem your dimwitted endeavor to be humorous.

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Though I wont disagree with this fundementally (:p), I will disagree in this case.

She did all of her great magics in tiny towns and in a piss-ant state.

-The entire state of Alasaka has 100,000 fewer citizens than the city of Columbus.

-The state has a proportionally huge budget (yay oil) that was being used for allot of crap, lots of fat to trim.

-A great deal of the state is populated by self sufficient people who never use governement resources.

-Its got two "major" cities and one major highway.


Point: It wasn't hard to be a hardcore reformer in such a weaksauce state.


She played in the little leagues and won, which can't be compared to big league acomplishments.



Which Obama's are.....?

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Is that a sentence?

Please rephrase, and highlight whatever it is you're specifically trying to reference in my post.


You're having to ask me these questions (whatever that question was) because you haven't bothered to read anything on your own. You're listening to what pundits tell you, and you're only paying attention to the ones that are telling you what you want to hear.

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Is that a sentence?

Please rephrase, and highlight whatever it is you're specifically trying to reference in my post.


You're having to ask me these questions (whatever that question was) because you haven't bothered to read anything on your own. You're listening to what pundits tell you, and you're only paying attention to the ones that are telling you what you want to hear.



Actually sorry, I am a very informed voter that does a ton of my own research.


What would happen to be Obama's qualifying ACCOMPLISHMENTS... not positions, accomplishments



I'm asking you these questions because you keep going blah blah blah with no real meat

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Tell me about the irony you detected there...


I could, but to fully understand, you would have to read the Constitution and understand what each body of government is responsible for and then you would have to comprehend the game of politics. Granted, this would be your interpretation.


Then, when you read, "You only hear what you want..." you would find it ironic.


All I've been reading is bashing...most of which is regurgitated rhetoric, which is all part of the game.

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Are you looking for list form? Political, personal? Is your reason for asking for basis for an argument comparing him to Palin?



here I will answer it for you


Obama has been described to have sponsored "131 bills since Jan 4, 2005," of which 90% (118 bills) remain in committee (Average) and 2% (2 bills) have been enacted into law (Average, relative to peers)


Sure seems like a go getter to me!


Everyone is all up in arms and excited over an AVERAGE U.S. Senator

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His term in the Senate has been more productive than most others, based on what he's done witht e amount of time he's been there. He's sponsored 823 bills, ranging across the entire spectrum of national government. Highlights being work with Nuclear proliferation, health care reform (his largest focus), Ethics and the banning of lobbyist gifts, law enforcement requirements, the list goes on. Rather than propping his feet up and voting on what comes to him, he's been the one doing the real work and bringing bills to congress.


You may not agree with some of the stuff he's done, but you simply have to admit that he has been busy. Therefore I counter your ascertion that you are a "very informed voter", perhaps you need to do two tons of research.


My information doesn't come from pundits, I take the time to look at the static data.

Here's some:

Obama has sponsored/co sponsored 823 bills since 2005 (3yrs)

McCain has sponsored/cosponsored 1767 since 1993 (15yrs).

Going by year, thats 274/yr for Barry, and 117/yr for John. As primary sponsor, the number is 35/yr for John, and 45/yr for Obama.

Yes, he has been busy.


I'm not sure who I'll vote for, andI'm not ready to endorse one or the other yet, BUT I'm making it a point here to make sure everyone is informed on the subject. It pisses me off when only one side is presented,a nd this is a fairly Red board. ;)

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His term in the Senate has been more productive than most others, based on what he's done witht e amount of time he's been there. He's sponsored 823 bills, ranging across the entire spectrum of national government. Highlights being work with Nuclear proliferation, health care reform (his largest focus), Ethics and the banning of lobbyist gifts, law enforcement requirements, the list goes on. Rather than propping his feet up and voting on what comes to him, he's been the one doing the real work and bringing bills to congress.


You may not agree with some of the stuff he's done, but you simply have to admit that he has been busy. Therefore I counter your ascertion that you are a "very informed voter", perhaps you need to do two tons of research.


My information doesn't come from pundits, I take the time to look at the static data.

Here's some:

Obama has sponsored/co sponsored 823 bills since 2005 (3yrs)

McCain has sponsored/cosponsored 1767 since 1993 (15yrs).

Going by year, thats 274/yr for Barry, and 117/yr for John. As primary sponsor, the number is 35/yr for John, and 45/yr for Obama.

Yes, he has been busy.


I'm not sure who I'll vote for, andI'm not ready to endorse one or the other yet, BUT I'm making it a point here to make sure everyone is informed on the subject. It pisses me off when only one side is presented,a nd this is a fairly Red board. ;)


what makes me mad is when average is passed off as something bigger than what it is


The co-sponsoring 619 bills since Jan 4, 2005 is average to peers as well.
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what makes me mad is when average is passed off as something bigger than what it is

Where did you get your number? Secondly, why would being average among peers make you mad? Perhaps you need to rephrase yet another sentence to make cear exactly what your point is.


I liked this stat even better:


since 2005 (3yrs)...

since 1993 (15yrs)...

Yes, bacuse we don't need some one to be active, we just need them to occupy space for a period of time. ;)

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Where did you get your number? Secondly, why would being average among peers make you mad? Perhaps you need to rephrase yet another sentence to make cear exactly what your point is.



Yes, bacuse we don't need some one to be active, we just need them to occupy space for a period of time. ;)





Being average is not what makes me mad, it's people anointing him as some great end all be all politician when he is, in fact, no different than any other. Being an "average' rank-and-file Dem is not some great qualification for President. He is not against the grain, he is not a moderate and he votes with the party line.

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Ahh, like McCain, right? If your point is that one is no "greater" than the other, then I support that 100%.


The exact point. People keep attacking each candidate one way or the other. This one has done this, this one has done that...blah blah blah... there is no meat behind it. The cold hard numbers tell you that what you see with the party line is what you are going to get which each candidate.


The experience argument between Obama and Palin is bunk as well. There is nothing that says that being in one branch of the gov't and having experience there automatically makes you qualified for another branch, it doesn't. Palin is the ONLY person in the race that has ANY executive branch experience.

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Barack Obama is the 4th most absent senator


John Mccain is the 8th most absent


Pretty good only being absent for 733 votes over 15 years and running for President or VP all the time, lol.

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The experience argument between Obama and Palin is bunk as well. There is nothing that says that being in one branch of the gov't and having experience there automatically makes you qualified for another branch, it doesn't. Palin is the ONLY person in the race that has ANY executive branch experience.


Correct is doesn't, but it is also dumb to compare the accomplishments of a person that is running for President to those of a person that was chosen to run for VP. Regardless of what experience she has that no other in the race has, she is not ready to be a VP, whether she is a democrat or Republican. Play devils advocate.....McCain dies within 8 months of being in office....Do you think she could run the country for the remaining 40 months....seriously? I think Biden could...


Also, no one here has done the comparison, but that douche on TV lastnight did it over and over again.

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