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Summertime Electric Bill


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It used to be the most dreaded bill I have to pay.


Last year, my bill was in the mid hundreds. It's a new house to us, so I didn't know what to expect to pay. But we've installed a programmable thermostat and our bill is staying in between $60-75.


I thought that was pretty amazing. What about you guys?


1200 sq ft

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2000 sq/ft ~ $60 - $70/mo



Jesus, I'm starting to think I have a problem. I think the lowest bill in the summer is 190-200. Hottest months close to 300. I am all electric though, with a retard large hot water heater. Only time we get a gas bill is in the winter. :)


Maybe I should swap in a more economical water heater. Its a 90-100 gallon 220 unit with tons of elements. I think it said it draws around 5500-6000 watts for the lower and another 4000 for the upper.


Might be the plasma and giant overclocked computers though too.


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Jesus, I'm starting to think I have a problem. I think the lowest bill in the summer is 190-200. Hottest months close to 300. I am all electric though, with a retard large hot water heater. Only time we get a gas bill is in the winter. :)


Maybe I should swap in a more economical water heater. Its a 90-100 gallon 220 unit with tons of elements. I think it said it draws around 5500-6000 watts for the lower and another 4000 for the upper.


Might be the plasma and giant overclocked computers though too.



Everything in our house qualified for the green tax credit. All the appliances, hvac, windows, insulation, etc. Our LCD tv is on all the time, as well as one computer and two laptops (plugged in smartasses), etc.... and I keep the air at 70 while we're home and 76 while we're gone. Just wait until I get the solar panels and rain water recycling installed next spring....


Our gas bill hits us in the winter a bit, but its only around $150/mo. Not bad compared to others' I've heard.

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Everything in our house qualified for the green tax credit. All the appliances, hvac, windows, insulation, etc. Our LCD tv is on all the time, as well as one computer and two laptops (plugged in smartasses), etc.... and I keep the air at 70 while we're home and 76 while we're gone. Just wait until I get the solar panels and rain water recycling installed next spring....


Our gas bill hits us in the winter a bit, but its only around $150/mo. Not bad compared to others' I've heard.



Green tax credit ?

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Green tax credit ?


I forget what they called it. Because our whole home is energy efficient we got some tax credit last year. It was XXX amount per item. The windows were XXX amount, the appliances were XXX amount, the furnace was XXX amount, the a/c was XXX amount, etc.

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2000 sq/ft ~ $60 - $70/mo




I have 1400 sq ft and a shared wall (condo end unit) and its pushing the 180 mark for these hot months. The a/c is at 74 and every excuse i have to shut it off (like if its cool outside in the morning) I do. We don't have many computers, TVs, lights, etc on either. I think they must have insulated the place with dead rats or something, the A/C runs way too much for what it does.

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I forget what they called it. Because our whole home is energy efficient we got some tax credit last year. It was XXX amount per item. The windows were XXX amount, the appliances were XXX amount, the furnace was XXX amount, the a/c was XXX amount, etc.



From what i have read though, its ONLY a one time credit.


Personally the costs of it outweigh the one time credit benefit.


Im all for helping the environment.. but not when it doesnt fit the budget :p

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this year, my electric hasn't been bad.... my house is 16xx sq feet and this year, the electric bill has been hovering right around the 110 mark... gas is always 108 because I'm on a budget plan. I have the EPA HVAC unit, so it goes up to 85 during the day... on the hot days, it is pretty stuffy in my house for the first hour or so when I get home from work.
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