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Pallin Is nothing more then the a toolbag.


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Not to get to far off topic, but your comment that its been proven time and time again that it trickle down doesn't work its not correct.

Look at this 100 yr dow jones chart. Take note of when Reagan took office and when "Reaganomics" started.



From this is looks like something worked. It also shows that history is likely to repeat itself most of the time as well. If you wanna continue this lets go to another thread though.


It also shows that the economy was well on its way to trouble before bush even took office. 2-3 yrs infact. All part of the mortgage scams, corp book cooking, and a bunch of other dirty shit that someone "wonder who" let happen.




Who controlled congress at that time? If you honestly believe that the "free market" has done us well over the past few years I encourage you to let me know, and provide me examples of how it has worked. There have been actual studies done by actual economics professors that have proven that trickle down economics doesn't work, your silly little chart shows nothing. A 100 year chart pressed into a 3 inch diagram cannot possibly show how the economy has worked compared to the party that was running it. The economy was on it's way down not because of the mortgage crisis but because of the tech market crash in 98. And if it was a part of the mortgage scams like you think then why hasn't your party done anything about it? Go ahead and start a new thread.

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I don't care if she's hot, She did nothing more then trash the piss out of obama. Yet she has told me not a damn thing what she wants to do.



Lets looks at this.


She smeeeeered the piss out of obama period.


She said nothing, She has nothing more then the rep party status quo.


How can we expect a change from Bushstupidity with that?


All I hear her do is trash obama.


Mccain voted 90% of the time with bush.


what did bush vote for?


So, you are saying she cannot defend herself from the attacks she was recieving from the left?


Forget about McCain, because it seems most lefties are running against the republicans VP now . . . Palin was a real mayor, of a town, she was a govenor that blew the whistle on a guy in her own party and ran against somone in her own party to become a govenor, balance her state's budget and cut back on spending. Now,Tell me 3 reasons that obama is more qualified to be president of this country than palin?

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Who controlled congress at that time? If you honestly believe that the "free market" has done us well over the past few years I encourage you to let me know, and provide me examples of how it has worked. There have been actual studies done by actual economics professors that have proven that trickle down economics doesn't work, your silly little chart shows nothing. A 100 year chart pressed into a 3 inch diagram cannot possibly show how the economy has worked compared to the party that was running it. The economy was on it's way down not because of the mortgage crisis but because of the tech market crash in 98. And if it was a part of the mortgage scams like you think then why hasn't your party done anything about it? Go ahead and start a new thread.



Yes college studies > real world results


i thought professors loved charts :(

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