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The formerly about Tom Brady new random stuff thread

V8 Beast

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He's a fag and so are the Pats and all of their fans.


boo hoo just because you're going to suck the long dynastic cock of New England in every sport this year doesn't make us fags. If anything, perennially sucking cock year in and year out like the fuckstick Bengals is probably faggier than anything NE could come up with save for putting Rodney Harrison in a pink tutu with a rainbow upside down triangle on it. No wait, he'd still be more badass than 95% of the league.


As for Brady going down? fucking sucks. its goddamn devastating. However, I challenge anyone to come up with a team that forgets the past and looks forward better than the Patriots. Maybe the Dolphins, but they haven't got a snowball's chance in hell. As for Matt Cassel? He backed up Matt Leinart and Carson Palmer, so for all anybody knows he could be one of the 10 best QB's in the league right now. Remember last time a Pats QB went down? Yeah.



edit: kenny goddamn, looking through your posted threads list you sure do go on about fags a lot. looks like somebody's got an obsession...

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Kenny < brian carter > 99.8% of CR > You


Basically, you are a bottom feeder. Learn your place bitch. ;)



Fixed your mathmatical error... carry on


Edit: Just read that Kenny was member number 3.. He was on CR with an Apple computer and floppy disks... Kenny > Brian

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Fixed your mathmatical error... carry on


Edit: Just read that Kenny was member number 3.. He was on CR with an Apple computer and floppy disks... Kenny > Brian


Kenny has been on CR so long he remembers when the banner was a horse and buggy.

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I was a moderator before any of you queers even registered.


God, I hope that makes me cool enough to gain e-credits. I so want to be loved by douche bags on the internet.


That doesnt.... but the car you drove before the turbo Buicks will definitely score you some points!


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I was a moderator before any of you queers even registered.


God, I hope that makes me cool enough to gain e-credits. I so want to be loved by douche bags on the internet.

lulz you think there's anything besides douchebags on the internet





altho i did hear a rumor that someone spotted wimmenz on the intertubes...should we be skurred?

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