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How many CR members does it take to change a light bulb?


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Theres about 3 fixtures in my house that burn out CFLs (compact fluorescent lights) every 4-5 months. Only one of them is heavily used and often left on so the bulbs are just picky I guess.


I have an LED bulb in my room, never goes much above room temperature and puts out plenty of light.

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  • 2 months later...

you missed the parts where:


1 person takes the thread completely off topic,

2 others get into a pissing contest over the OT subject,

1 moderator steps in to break it up,

1 person starts new bitch about the moderator being a dick,


then the thread eventually gets locked because it was dead 24 posts earlier.

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you missed the parts where:


1 person takes the thread completely off topic,

2 others get into a pissing contest over the OT subject,

1 moderator steps in to break it up,

1 person starts new bitch about the moderator being a dick,


then the thread eventually gets locked because it was dead 24 posts earlier.


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