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It's all about the race afterall


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I was arguing with someone in some thread that I don't feel like digging up, about how there are people out there that believe that the only reason some people out there won't vote for Obama is because they are racist. Whoever was arguing with me claimed that no one has ever said that. Well, looky what I just found in today's news:




FROM CNN’s Jack Cafferty:


Race is arguably the biggest issue in this election, and it’s one that nobody’s talking about.


The differences between Barack Obama and John McCain couldn’t be more well-defined. Obama wants to change Washington. McCain is a part of Washington and a part of the Bush legacy. Yet the polls remain close. Doesn’t make sense…unless it’s race.


Time magazine’s Michael Grunwald says race is the elephant in the room. He says Barack Obama needs to tread lightly as he fights back against the McCain-Palin campaign attacks.


He writes, “Over the past 18 months, Obama has been attacked as a naive novice, an empty suit, a tax-and-spend liberal, an arugula-grazing élitist and a corrupt ward heeler, but the only attacks that clearly stung him involved the Rev. Jeremiah Wright - attacks that portrayed him as an angry black man under the influence of an even angrier black man.”


The angry black man, he goes on to say, doesn’t have broad appeal in White America. And even though the makeup of our population is changing, whites are still the majority in this country. How ironic that the giant step forward of nominating an African American for president may ultimately keep us mired in the past.


Here’s my question to you: Will Barack Obama’s race cost him the White House?


My point in the previous thread was that there are people out there so brainwashed by this guy, that they refuse to believe that there is no possible reason to not like Obama unless you are racist. I then said that I didn't think anyone was stupid enough to say this in the news in any way, yet I was proven wrong.


I guess this makes half of America racist. Good job, douchebag from CNN http://smiliesftw.com/x/gtfon.gif

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Fuck me, can you all see through your own bigotry? I mean, if you're going to defend "your side", then do so with actual facts, an open mind, and a little couth and not meaningless attacks. No matter what 'set' you claim. I could pick a few examples but there's just too many. It's mind-boggling. Many of you would be completely destroyed in any kind of actual debate. This just happens to be the 3rd political thread I've obviously made the mistake of coming into and my bullshit bucket is finally filled. lol

Seriously, guys. At least give it a try. It definitely makes for more intersting, more enlightening conversation for all. Stop being selfish. We're not against each other! Though, I'm sure that's just how the parties like it. It's no longer for the people, it's for the politicians against us. What better way to to defeat your enemies than to have them fight each other. Wake up. :gtfo:

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Fuck me, can you all see through your own bigotry? I mean, if you're going to defend "your side", then do so with actual facts, an open mind, and a little couth and not meaningless attacks. No matter what 'set' you claim. I could pick a few examples but there's just too many. It's mind-boggling. Many of you would be completely destroyed in any kind of actual debate. This just happens to be the 3rd political thread I've obviously made the mistake of coming into and my bullshit bucket is finally filled. lol

Seriously, guys. At least give it a try. It definitely makes for more intersting, more enlightening conversation for all. Stop being selfish. We're not against each other! Though, I'm sure that's just how the parties like it. It's no longer for the people, it's for the politicians against us. What better way to to defeat your enemies than to have them fight each other. Wake up. :gtfo:

+1. This should mean that nobody should even vote for Mccain or Obama. :( Maybe someday.

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Ok, now I'm really confused...who are you supporting?



I am an independent. I am on the Obama side of the fence. After McCain capitulated and pandered to the female vote with Palin, I wont be looking back. It was the final straw as an indicator his "Maverick" card needs to be revoked.


I equally hate anyone who argues politics as if they were fans of a sport team. Political pundits are what is wrong with the political discourse in this country... and it seems like most folks who have an opinion have a distortedly ignorant and polarized one.

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I'm not so sure that political pundits are as much the problem, as only realistically ever having two choices. I'd like to see both parties get split in two - one part being what the parties stood for 50 - 75 years ago, and the other what the party has evolved into.


The irony is that on the one side, you would have the democratic party and the green party, and on the other side you would have the GOP and the libertarian party.

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Oh, and I honestly think that if this election was between an old school democrat such as governor Strickland, and Mccain, I would probably vote for Strickland. Because I know he actually believes in what comes out of his mouth, unlike the vast majority of those in Washington.
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I watch some guy on TV say that while he agreed with a lot of what Obama says that he just can't pull the lever for a black guy. What's even worse is that there are a lot of women voters that are only voting for Palin because she is a woman. I'm not saying that you're racist if you don't vote Obama or that you're some feminist because you vote republican but there are some people that won't because he is black and there are people that will vote because she is a woman.

I think that everyone needs to vote on the real issues rather then focusing on Black/White or Man/ Woman.

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I'm not sure the issues even matter. I just vote for the guy with the "R" next to their name because the guys with the "D"s are out to get my wallet and give it to some POS that won't help their self. Its my view that these types of people should simply be left to beg on the streets and/or starve, but I'm just an asshole who'd work from the ground up if I had to do it again.



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Its obvious that the US feels like we have nothing but losers to vote for. We need to stop fighting over who is worse and get together to force them to give us new candidates to work with.


It will never happen because we Americans are too lame to pull it off.. but thats what we should be doing.

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I'm not sure the issues even matter. I just vote for the guy with the "R" next to their name because the guys with the "D"s are out to get my wallet and give it to some POS that won't help their self. Its my view that these types of people should simply be left to beg on the streets and/or starve, but I'm just an asshole who'd work from the ground up if I had to do it again.



The reality is quite the opposite. I'll not so boldly assume that you make less than $125,000/year. The guy with the R next to his name is happy to take that money and funnel it into the pockets of big business. The guy with the D next to his name, in this case would provide you with a more significant tax break than what you are getting now.


So many of you make your political decisions as if your income and capital assents are far greater than whats really sitting in your accounts and investments.

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