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It's all about the race afterall


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Hey Christian, I think this is you


EDIT - I didn't read any of your post, did you say anything meaningful?

So, am I long winded or troll or both? I get it all out at once as opposed to the dozens of similar posts you've had. ;) Had you read my post, you'd know you just helped prove my point. :gtfo:


I could see where you were linking me, I went anyway and actually read it all. Did you? It seems you are also accusing me of bad grammar and punctuation. Obviously, a lie as anyone can see by the majority of my posts. Again, it seems you've taken your cue from the same type of lying, mud-slinging ads of those you support.


It's pretty nice outside. I'm smoking a cigarette and watching Comedy Central while my dogs sleep by me. I've added this to continue my long-winded ways since it seems to disturb Copperhead. While I am bored, I guess I'll bring this to an end since I'm sure I've lost most of you by this point. :D

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black dude here. not voting for obama. ive said it before, and ill say it again, i am thrilled that in my lifetime i got to see a woman and a black man have a real shot at the presidency of the united states, but i wont vote for either of them, because i prefer a smaller government with more states rights.
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Fuck me, can you all see through your own bigotry? I mean, if you're going to defend "your side", then do so with actual facts, an open mind, and a little couth and not meaningless attacks.



Yeah, lets talk about actual facts. Obama is only HALF black, so the 50% of people in polls are only HALF racist.


We can Concluded that racism is actually lower than we thought, .50 x .50 = .25 America is only 25% racist now!!!

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