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United States Bank Failures


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Pretty simple to me...If your watching your 401k piss away your in high risk. Change it to conservative for awhile. This wont "make" you money but will not "lose" your money.



If your in high risk......keep buying, it's cheap now


Don't go conservative, your about a year too late........


People lose too much money by thinking they can "time" the market. But typically by the time they "time" the market, things have already happened.


Listen to Warren Buffett......."When people are greedy, be fearful......when people are fearful, be greedy"............honestly, people are scared out of their minds right now. Tommy says, "buy, buy, buy". You'll make more in 30 years NOW, then you'll possibly EVER be able to make up.


ps......don't buy oil



People are very reactionary. The last couple of days have been the last year or so compounded into a couple of day. You'll be amazed at what our financial system can withstand.

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I agree 100%. Now is the BEST time to buy if you do some research before you do it. People are all jumping out, and many are "forced" to sell their shares making it the perfect buying opportunity.


There are stocks that ABSOLUTELY without question should not have a market price as low as they do now.

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my money is in smith barney's aggressive growth mutual fund. i call it the heart attack fund. i get my quarterly and im like "omg! look how much money ive earned/lost!" and i have a heart attack. the market, on average, doubles every ten years, so i just let it ride.
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